Top Ten JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories
Saturday, November 22, 2014
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. The man accused of JFK’s murder was Lee Harvey Oswald. According to the Warren Report, Oswald acted alone, firing three shots from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.
Today marks the 51st Anniversary of JFK’s assassination. Since that time, hundreds of different theories have sprouted against the Warren Report Commission’s claim.
Here’s a look at the Top Ten JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories:

1. Multiple Shooters
The most common of the JFK conspiracy theories is the notion that Oswald didn’t act alone. Eye witnesses that day on Dealey Plaza told authorities they heard multiple shots coming from behind them, back towards the Grassy Knoll.
One of the most popular arguments for this theory is based on Abraham Zapruder’s film where President Kennedy’s fatal shot occurs and is head goes “back, and to the left,” indicating that the shot must have come from in front of him and from the right, where the Grassy Knoll was located.

2. Jack Ruby
Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner and alleged gun-runner for the Mafia, murdered Lee Harvey Oswald just two days after JFK’s death. Ruby aid he was doing it because he loved the President.
However, there are many connections to Ruby and Oswald knowing each other before the assassination occurred, and conspiracy theorists believe that Ruby killed Oswald to prevent Oswald from confessing the involvement of local Mafia.

3. Soviet Government
Many conspiracy theorists believe that the Soviet government was responsible for taking Kennedy down. According to theories, the Soviet government was motivated to remove Kennedy due to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The KGB Chief at that time, Colonel Boris Ivanov, however, would release a statement in 1966 accusing extreme right wing fanatics in the United States to be responsible for JFK’s death.

4. David Ferrie
Shortly after JFK’s assassination, an investigation began in New Orleans under the leadership of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison.
According to Garrison’s investigation, David Ferrie was to be the get-away ride for Lee Harvey Oswald to get out of Dallas on November 22nd. Garrison also implicated New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw (Clay Bertrand) and private investigator Guy Banister to be involved in the conspiracy to take out JFK.
In 1967, Ferrie was found dead in his home just days after Garrison’s investigation was leaked to the New Orleans press.

5. Lyndon Johnson
It is well-documented that JFK was having second thoughts of running with Lyndon Johnson as his Vice President for a second term.
Conspiracy theorists believe that Johnson, from Texas, working in unison with individuals from Dallas law enforcement and other agents, organized the assassination to guarantee his power in the White House for another term, and to escalate operations in the Vietnam War.

6. The CIA and Dulles
After the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion JFK released Allen Dulles from his position as CIA Director.
Conspiracy theorists believe that Dulles, acting with certain members of the CIA in Dallas, conspired against JFK in retribution of his lost role as CIA Director.
After JFK’s death, Dulles would serve on the Warren Commission.
Also forced to resign from the CIA was Charles Cabell. Cabell was Deputy Director of the CIA under Dulles.
Cabell’s brother, Earle Cabell, was Mayor of Dallas when Kennedy was assasinated.

7. The Umbrella Man
Many conspiracy theorists believe that this unidentified man holding an umbrella along JFK’s parade route is responsible in some way for JFK’s assassination.
The odd thing about a man holding an umbrella on November 22, 1963 in Dallas is that it wasn’t raining that day. It was sunny out.
One theory behind the oddity is that the man shot a dart from his umbrella into the President’s neck.

8. E. Howard Hunt
E.Howard Hunt, most notably playing a large role in the Watergate Scandal, is also mentioned in numerous JFK assassination conspiracy theories.
According to these theories, Hunt was working with the Soviets to take drastic measures to discredit the CIA and the United States. Although it’s authenticity is questioned, Hunt’s sons provided a recording of Hunt confessing on his deathbed to a role in the conspiracy to assassinate JFK.

9. Aristotle Onassis
After JFK’s death, his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy would marry Aristotle Onassis five years later. Onassis, a very wealthy Greek shipping magnate, was obsessed with Jacqueline even when she was married to JFK. He would often host her on his boat in Greece.
Conspiracy theorists believe that Onassis funded the assassination of JFK so that he could be with Jacqueline. Onassis even offered to give Jackie $3 million to replace the Kennedy trust fund she would lost if she ever remarried.

The Badge Man
‘The Badge Man’ was first seen in a photograph taken shortly after JFK’s fatal head wound behind a fence on the grassy knoll. The man in the picture is wearing what looks to be a police uniform.
Conspiracy theorists presume that this man is a member of the Dallas police force, indicating their role in the JFK assassination. The man has never been identified.
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