How To Talk With—And Maybe Help—Someone Who Believes In QAnon And Other Conspiracy Theories
The QAnon conspiracy theory has exploded in popularity this year, but it’s just one of a depressingly wide array of crackpot beliefs that certain Americans adhere to, including that vaccines implant microchips in people or that Covid-19 is a “hoax.” Here’s how cult deprogrammer and mind control expert Steve Hassan says you can talk to friends and loved ones who believe conspiracy theories:
Hassan most recently authored The Cult of Trump, an analysis of the president’s hold over his most ardent supporters, and began deprogramming people after he left the notorious Moonie cult in 1976.
“The general public is overwhelmed” amid the coronavirus pandemic, Hassan told Forbes, adding that when “people are off-balance, they’re more susceptible to cult recruiters” and outside influence.
Hassan says that no matter what conspiracy theory a friend or loved one believes in, the same approach can help them.
“What’s wrong,” Hassan says, is telling the believer that “they’re brainwashed, or stupid or weak. That’s toxic and going to drive the person deeper [into the conspiracy] by persecuting them.”
Instead, Hassan recommends reconnecting with the believer over shared interests and experiences, like fishing or vacations taken together, because those reminders will help the believer remember their identity before the conspiracy theory took hold of them.
The key, Hassan says, is to empower people and help them make their own decisions; for example, instead of trying to persuade a QAnon adherent to stop believing in the conspiracy theory, redirect them toward legitimate organizations working to stop human trafficking.
Crucial quote
“Don’t think you can talk them out of it,” Hassan said. “Get into a strategic and interactive mode by building a good rapport with them, asking good questions, and giving them time to answer before following up. Tell them, ‘Share with me what you think is a really reputable article. I’ll read it and get back to you on it, if you agree to read something I share with you. But the deal is we both listen respectfully to each other.’”
What to watch for
It’ll take time for people to change their views, Hassan said, but by engaging with them and continuing to be respectful, it can help them pull away from conspiracies. He also recommends enlisting the believer’s family member or friends to reconnect with them and spend more time with them, which gives the believer fewer opportunities to engage with the conspiracy theory.
Big number
One third. That’s how many Americans believe that the death toll from coronavirus has been overinflated, according to a July 21 Axios/Ipsos poll.
Chief critic
Joe Biden, who denounced Trump for refusing to criticize QAnon during a press conference last week. “After calling neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville ‘fine people’ and teargassing peaceful protesters following the murder of George Floyd, Donald Trump just sought to legitimize a conspiracy theory that the FBI has identified as a domestic terrorism threat. Our country needs leadership that will bring us together more than ever,” he said in a statement.
Key background
The spread of QAnon is so prevalent that the House of Representatives introduced a bipartisan resolution Tuesday condemning it as a “dangerous, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-mongering cult.”
Hassan has several models to illustrate how healthy influence differs from the unhealthy, along with criteria to help determine whether a group is, in fact, a cult.
Further reading
Bipartisan Lawmakers Introduce House Resolution Condemning QAnon ‘Cult’ (Forbes)
Nearly A Third Of Americans Believe Covid-19 Death Toll Conspiracy Theory (Forbes)
Trump Refuses To Denounce QAnon After Conspiracy Theory Is Described To Him (Forbes)