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Evangelicals need to address the QAnon’ers in our midst

QAnon has been making headlines in recent weeks. It’s going to make more.

QAnon is, among many things, an expansive conspiracy theory built around the idea that a “deep state,” or cabal of elite leftists, is clandestinely working against President Donald Trump. A person (or small group) known as “Q” drops revelations in various forms online. At the core of the appeal is its ability to generate fear. Suggesting that there is a powerful figure or group subverting the country and empowering all manner of evil is frightening.

Some of the headlines about QAnon in recent days have connected it with evangelical Christians. In addition, many proponents describe their mission in religious and quasi-religious terms.

Legitimizing a new religion?

Some talk about QAnon as if some messianic figure is at work. Similar to the ancient heresy of Gnosticism in the early church, it lures people with promises of secret knowledge. It provides a sense of identity and belonging with code phrases like, “Where we go one, where we go all.” Many people, including active church members, are being drawn in.  

QAnon is starting to shift things in ways that will particularly impact churches. According to a recent NPR article, many pastors believe it already has.

QAnon demonstrators on Aug. 22, 2020, in Los Angeles, California.

Here are ways Christians can engage this issue.

First, cultivate discernment:

In a 2018 poll we conducted at Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Research Institute, we found that 46% of self-identified evangelicals and 52% of those whose beliefs tag them as evangelical “strongly believes the mainstream media produces fake news.” 

The level to which people attended church correlated with this belief; the more active in church, the less trusting of news media.

Yes, news agencies have biases; this fact is not synonymous with producing fake news. CNN leans left; Fox leans right. But bias doesn’t equal fake news, and too many are rejecting legitimate news sources while being discipled by their social media.

QAnon describes a deep state cabal of pedophiles. There are many of us, including evangelicals, who are strongly opposed to problems of child trafficking and pedophiles. Yet, one can oppose evil within the world without subscribing to the conspiracy theories like QAnon.

Second, recognize the resistant:

Many people and groups have issues with QAnon. The FBI expressed concerns about this group regarding potential domestic terrorism. Vice President Pence said, “We dismiss conspiracy theories around here out of hand.”

It is problematic that President Trump noted his appreciation for QAnon supporters because of their support of his presidency. I am glad the Vice President didn’t, along with other notable leaders of their party like Senator Ben Sasse and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. We need to hear them.

COLUMN:Trump and Republicans are following the Goldwater model with QAnon. That didn’t end well.

Point QAnon adherents to people they trust that have already spoken out against the bizarre nature of its claims.

Third, don’t be duped by religious language:

QAnon says there is a coming storm or great awakening. They mention pedophile rings, the pandemic, and the deep state as part of a cosmic battle between God and Satan.

In Christianity, we believe God is at work, and if something happens we don’t understand, God had a different plan, and we look to him for guidance. QAnon is following similar patterns — knowing the Q always has a plan in this cosmic struggle of good against evil.

Religious language appeals to religious people, but QAnon is not for Christians — it is a replacement, with its own messiah and demons, unrelated to Christianity and unmoored from the Bible.

Just because its on social media doesn’t mean its true

Finally, pursue things that are true:

This is primarily a social media conspiracy. Social media is a petri dish for conspiracies, causing far too many to believe things like QAnon are true. I have often pointed out my disagreements with Democratic politicians. But that doesn’t mean they are running a secret pedophile ring, nor should I believe that because it went viral on Twitter.

Believers are to be people of the truth as the Jesus we follow literally calls himself “truth” (John 14:6). Without a rigorous pursuit of truth we can see anger to the point that people will take up arms as we saw in Pizza-gate, where a guy came with a gun to rescue the children trapped in the basement — in a store with no basement.

Fighting actual fake news:Disinformation surges amid COVID-19, elections. Here are 3 ways we all can fight back.

Years ago, Mark Noll wrote about the “Scandal of the Evangelical Mind.” If there is anything that represents the scandal of the evangelical mind right now, it’s the gullibility of Christians who need to be discipled into critical thinking about how to engage the world around them. We need to be able to see through the bias and discern conspiracy theories that have risen to the level of messianic religion.

As seekers of truth, we need pastors, leaders, and everyday Christians to address this conspiracy, and others like it, before others are fooled. It’s the Christian’s role to speak up about this and against this, even when the president does not, and before more people get hurt.

Ed Stetzer is a dean and professor at Wheaton College where he leads the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center.

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Akron Beacon Journal can be found here ***