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Schools Perpetuating “Unsupported Overreaction to the Coronavirus”

In his recent paper, Dr. Ron B. Brown PhD writes:

“Students have been reprimanded and threatened for not following strict social-distancing rules at social events, even as the incumbent President of the United States flaunts the same social-distancing rules during his nomination acceptance speech in front of a non-distanced audience on the White House lawn. Students are being threatened even while large anti-lockdown demonstrations in Berlin and London are poised to spread around the globe. The global population is becoming increasingly fed up with enforced lockdowns to flatten a curve that has long passed the crisis stage in most nations. 

“The behaviour of school administrators toward student behaviour is an example of confirmation bias, which promotes fear-mongering and continues to cause unsupported overreaction to the coronavirus. Confirmation bias works by cherry picking only the evidence that confirms a finding, while ignoring evidence that refutes the finding.

“For example, a group of students who have gathered together in close contact without social-distancing is identified. The group is therefore immediately targeted for testing to detect the group prevalence of the coronavirus, based on the assumption that the infection was transmitted among the group members; but there is no experimental control group to make an unbiased determination if that assumption is correct or not.

“The prevalence of the infection within the identified group must be compared to the prevalence within a similar group of students who have not closely gathered without social distancing. But how often, if ever, does that experimental comparison between infected people and a control group occur? Without such a comparison, the evidence is anecdotal and the findings are biased.

“Therefore, lacking the design of a clinical case-control study (in this case, “case” refers to an infection, often asymptomatic), how can we blame the spread of the coronavirus on lack of social-distancing if no one knows the true prevalence of the coronavirus infection within the overall population?”

You can read Dr. Brown’s entire paper, Stop Blaming Students for Spreading COVID-19 and share it with students and their parents. Let’s stop schools from descending into virtual concentration camps. As Brown writes in his opening paragraph: “Students have had their education interrupted in a way that no other generation of young people ever had to endure.”


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Our thanks to John Manley for bringing this to our attention.

John C. A. Manley has spent over a decade ghostwriting for medical doctors, as well as naturopaths, chiropractors and Ayurvedic physicians. He publishes the COVID-19(84) Red Pill Daily Briefs – an email-based newsletter dedicated to preventing the governments of the world from using an exaggerated pandemic as an excuse to violate our freedom, health, privacy, livelihood and humanity. He is also writing a novel, Brave New Normal: A Dystopian Love Story. Visit his website at:

Featured image is by Gavin Young/Postmedia News

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here ***