Anti-mask protesters pose challenge for EU authorities
The past four weeks have seen a sudden flare-up in anti-mask and coronavirus-denier protests in European cities.
There is a risk these will grow as EU states re-impose hygiene and social-distancing measures due to a second wave of infections – posing a danger to public order and health.
The coronavirus in close-up. Around 10,000 people held a protest in London, calling the pandemic a government hoax designed to undo democracy (Photo: Wikimedia)
Russia and China helped pave the way via disinformation campaigns in spring.
But the trend is older and more complex than that, posing a challenge for EU regulators, who also need to protect rule of law and free speech.
Unusual times
About 18,000 people demonstrated against mask-wearing in Berlin on 29 August.
Around 10,000 people held similar protests in London the same day, calling the pandemic a government hoax designed to undo democracy.
And smaller rallies, ranging from less than 100 to 1,000-or-so people, have taken place in Brussels, Dublin, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Rotterdam, Zurich, and further afield in the past few weeks.
They are being organised via Facebook groups, such as this Belgian one.
Calls to action are also circulating on Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, for instance under the Dutch hashtag #ikdoenietmeermee [I Don’t Join Anymore], which was recently endorsed by three Dutch pop stars.
And the ideas behind them are being propagated by conspiracy-theory websites, such as,, or, some of which also sell books and bogus remedies.
Some experts, such as Irish scientist and science writer David Grimes, predict the protests will intensify.
“They’ll increase in ferocity and become more and more political … we live in scary, unusual times, and conspiracy theories give people a sense of power and that’s alluring,” he told EUobserver.
Others, such as Antoine Bristielle from French think-tank the Fondation Jean Jaurès, say it could go either way.
“People might say: ‘It’s better to wear a mask than face a new lockdown’. Or, maybe, new government restrictions will create new motives for more protests,” he told this website.
For their part, Russia and China made matters worse by unleashing what the EU foreign service called a “massive wave of false and misleading information” on the pandemic in spring.
This petered out in mid-May, especially on the Russian side, because by then the virus had also exploded inside Russia creating a risk of propaganda “backfire”.
“Once corona spread to Russia … even state-controlled media [started] criticising some of the conspiracies and nonsense spread by pro-Kremlin disinfo-actors, specifically about ‘uselessness of preventive measures’,” an EU official told this website.
The Russia and China-sponsored corona-myths continue to have a life of their own despite the change in policy, the same way some people today still believe the then Soviet Union’s 1980s fabrication that HIV was an American bio-weapon.
But the coronavirus-denial problem is older and more complex than foreign information warfare.
“As soon as Covid-19 was formally identified and sequenced, people started saying that it was all made up”, Grimes said, referring to autonomous conspiracy-theory websites in Europe and the US, which he monitors.
And before Covid-19, the same online community was promulgating conspiracy theories about Jewish cabals, 9/11, climate change, vaccine plots, 5G data threats, or QAnon – the notion that a US deep-state operated paedophile rings – also seeding the ground for corona-scepticism.
“If you reject climate change, for instance, then you reject science and you reject government authority and you are much more ready to believe other kinds of stupidity,” Anton Shekhovtsov, an expert on disinformation at the University of Vienna, told this website.
“There’s even a growing number of people who believe the earth is flat – I thought it was a joke until I looked into it,” he added.
Psychology of fear
For Grimes, there was a big difference between hardcore conspiracy theorists and their “victims”, however.
The former were “narcissists, who want to feel superior to genuine experts … they do it for the notoriety, the attention – to become semi-famous in their own circles,” he said.
The victims – those who declined to wear masks, for instance – were most likely to be people who felt like losers for one reason or another.
“You’re far more likely to join these protests if you’re not well off and you don’t have a good job, if you feel the government doesn’t care about you, if you feel politically homeless,” Grimes said.
Failed personal relationships and loneliness could be another factor, he indicated.
But the anti-mask movement is also more complicated than that.
The typical French protester, for instance, was a middle-aged, professional woman who also believed in anti-vaccination myths, according to Bristielle, who spoke to more than 1,000 people via Facebook for his recent study.
“It was really surprising,” he said.
“Their main argument, as with women who believe in the QAnon theories, was that they were fighting for their children, that they didn’t want their kids to grow up wearing masks,” he said.
“And many people spoke of knowing at least five others in their social circles who refused to wear masks, so they weren’t isolated loners,” he added.
“The anti-mask movement seems to be associated with an objection to challenged personal freedom,” Karen Douglas, a professor of social psychology at the University of Kent in the UK, also noted.
“Being made to wear a mask challenges people’s civil liberties, and it might therefore make sense that more privileged groups in society would adopt this standpoint,” she said.
“Anti-establishment beliefs cut through gender, class, and nationality … On the one hand, people deny all official authority, but on the other hand they want there to be some kind of order in how this planet works, so they subscribe to alternative views of what this might be,” Shekhovtsov said.
And neurology, as well as psychological traits, played a role.
Scientific discourse was nuanced and cautious, Grimes noted
But “more powerful, more emotive claims trigger our disgust and our fear, the reactionary part of our brain, more quickly than sober analysis” he said.
“It’s inevitable that we react before we reflect, so we’re all more vulnerable to conspiracy theories than we think we are,” he added.
Hawks and doves
EU institutions and national authorities have so far tried to tackle the problem with a soft approach, such as sponsoring fact-checking services and drafting voluntary codes of conduct for social media firms.
For Grimes, they should be a lot more hawkish.
“Companies like Facebook pay lip service [to regulators] and take down a few posts here and there … but if they were serious about this anti-mask and anti-vaccination stuff, they could end it all in one week,” he said.
“European authorities should say: ‘We’re going to royally screw you financially if you keep letting this happen’,” he added.
But for the EU regulators who would have to designate any new legislation, the situation is more delicate due to the need to protect free speech.
“A lot of people say you should oblige platforms to take down content that is disinformation. But who defines exactly what disinformation is?”, an EU source said.
“A lot of the disinformation is often not even verifiably false. It is very contextual. So real events, real pictures, or real facts are put in a context that they give either a wrong impression or support a certain narrative,” the source added.
And in the meantime, EU authorities could also help by sending a clearer message of their own, Bristielle said.
“In France, the government first said masks were ineffective, or even that they could be dangerous if you wore them them the wrong way, but now they are making them mandatory,” he said.
“In times like these, the government needs to have one clear position and to stick to it,” he said.
“Increasing levels of uncertainty due to conflicting advice is likely to fuel belief in conspiracy theories,” Douglas also said.
*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from EUobserver can be found here ***