Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Big tech censorship collusion continues as Facebook follows Twitter’s lead and squelches interview with “rogue” Chinese scientist who says COVID-19 was engineered in a lab

Image: Big tech censorship collusion continues as Facebook follows Twitter’s lead and squelches interview with “rogue” Chinese scientist who says COVID-19 was engineered in a lab

When the big tech behemoths all announced after the 2016 election they were going to begin ‘fact-checking’ posts because of all that ‘Russian misinformation’ that led to Donald Trump winning the White House, we knew what they meant.

The platforms were not interested in ‘fact-checking’ anything because left-wing media types never are. Rather, conservatives believed Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google and the other ‘biggies’ were really aimed at censoring content they didn’t like or otherwise approve of.

And we were right.

Just like the commies they are, they went into ‘Stalin’ mode and have begun deep-sixing any and all information that doesn’t comport with ‘accepted knowledge.’ If the content doesn’t toe the ‘party line,’ then it gets deleted or blocked and the user who posted the information punished or banned.

That’s what has happened to any and all content related to claims by a “rogue” Chinese scientist that, based on her research and that of three others, the COVID-19 virus was actually manufactured in a lab in Wuhan, and did not naturally occur from bats (as we’ve all been told for the past six months).

In recent days, Dr. Li-Meng Yan — who has fled her China home and prestigious position at a Hong Kong university — posted a link on Twitter to the research which indicates strongly that the novel coronavirus was manufactured in a lab, not a naturally occurring new virus.

But within a few days, her content was taken down and her account banned by the speech Nazis there who are obviously carrying water for the commies in Beijing.

Next, Li-Meng appeared on Fox New’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” in which she discussed various aspects of her and her team’s findings. After the interview, Carlson later said, “a video of the segment reached 1.3 million people on Facebook.”

And then…it vanished…because apparently, Mark Zuckerberg is in bed with the ChiComs too.

“And why wouldn’t it? The coronavirus pandemic has touched the life of every American. And justifiably, people want to know where it came from. But Facebook still doesn’t want you to know that,” Carlson said.

“So Facebook suppressed the video, presumably on behalf of the Chinese government. Facebook executives made it harder for users to watch our segment. Those who found the video had to navigate a warning that the interview ‘repeats information about COVID-19 that independent fact-checkers say is false,’” he continued.

What a laugh. ‘Fact-checkers’ who never spent 10 minutes in a lab doing any kind of COVID-19 research have ‘deemed’ a highly educated research team’s findings ‘wrong’ simply because the tech/media left can’t allow the authoritarian Chinese to be embarrassed, for some reason.

“Instagram, which Facebook also owns did the same thing. Twitter suspended Dr. Yan’s account entirely. It did not explain why,” Carlson continued. “Nor did the tech companies explain how they would know more about disease transmission than an MD, PhD virologist like Dr. Li-Meng Yan. Instead, Facebook and Instagram linked to three so-called fact checks which supposedly proved Yan was lying.

“But if you clicked on the provided links, you’d notice something odd. The fact checks were all published months ago, many months — in January, February, and March, and they had nothing whatsoever to do with what Dr. Li-Meng Yan said on our show,” Carlson noted. “One of the fact checks attacks a completely unrelated claim, the virus was patented and that a vaccine was prepared and ready to go.”

Li-Meng never made such claims. 

“What does that have to do with the interview we did…? No one will tell us that. The truth is, and you know it if you’ve watched carefully, experts have been wrong frequently throughout this pandemic … They have changed their prescriptions many times,” he continued.

Here’s a fact check: The left-wing tech giants hate America — the country that spawned them — so much they would rather support authoritarians in China who suppress people, freedom and liberty. The question is…why?

Sources include:

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***