Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Deep State

Deep State subverts American workers again

Once again, the Deep State has set out to undermine President Trump. And in the process, career bureaucrats and entrenched Capitol Hill never-Trumpers are attempting to put the skids to U.S. tech workers.

The issue, as per usual, is well-paying, white-collar jobs that Department of Homeland Security and Department of State want to give away to foreign nationals.

As first reported by Breitbart’s Neil Munro, DHS and State have concocted a complex scheme that would, unless President Trump intervenes to scotch the plan, result in 400,000 work permits being issued to foreign nationals. Jumping for joy are bottom-feeding immigration lawyers (who will profit obscenely from paperwork pushing), cheap labor-addicted corporations and immigration expansionists, for whom too much is never enough.

The toxic brew that Capitol Hill subversives have cooked up is a blend of DHS and State Department fancy footwork that will displace qualified, experienced U.S. tech workers and block recent U.S. college graduates from getting jobs at prestigious corporations. Munro estimates that each year about 800,000 college graduates with degrees in skilled occupations in health care, engineering, business, math, science, software or architecture are poised to enter the labor market.

The State Department will dole out the first batch of Green Cards to 120,000 foreign nationals. Those individuals will receive the unused family reunification visas that the COVID-19 virus put on hold. Remember that President Trump’s intention was to slow immigration during the pandemic. State’s action flies in President Trump’s face.

At the same time, DHS officials have started the process to give backlogged Indian and Chinese nationals up to 300,000 employment authorization documents. The nationals would receive a so-called Green Card Lite that will nevertheless eventually lead to permanent residency and citizenship.

A Green Card Lite provides legal status to an uncapped number of foreign nationals and their families. The Indian worker population in the U.S. is about 1 million, a total that has certainly sent a nearly equal number of U.S. tech workers to the unemployment line. Because their fates are tied to their employers’ approval, H-1B employees are indentured servants or, as the Immigration Reform Law Institute’s John Miano refers to them, “bonded” servants.

Moreover, once those workers become lawful permanent residents, they can petition spouses and children to join them. Princeton University researchers found that an average of 3.5 people per each new petition. That would allow today’s 1 million Indian workers to eventually swell the U.S. population by 3.5 million as the petitioners’ families come to America.

For more than 30 years under both Republican and Democratic administrations, protecting U.S. tech workers’ jobs has been a straight uphill climb. When President Trump signed his “Buy American, Hire American” Executive Order, U.S. workers’ hopes rose cautiously. But after a 30-year history of setbacks at corporate giants like Disney, Caterpillar, Facebook and Amazon, caution was the appropriate sentiment as DHS and State have demonstrated in their most recent stealth assault on American workers.

President Trump can – much as he did when he successfully intervened after the Tennessee Valley Authority attempted to displace its skilled IT workers – bring the Deep State’s treacherous plot to a screeching halt. But for the president, distractions abound. There’s the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and the November 3 general election, looming about a month away.

For President Trump, the risks of inaction could cost him vitally needed votes of young professionals, plus the votes of millions who supported his pro-America 2016 campaign.

Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at jguzzardi@pfirdc.org.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Red Bluff Daily News can be found here.