Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Fauci’s COVID-19 Folly

According to Australian researchers, the Wuhan COVID-19 virus likely is artificial, created in the lab — in China. According to Chinese virologist Li Meng Yan, it was intentionally created and spread by the Chinese government.  

Let’s start from the beginning, the physical construction of the place where the virus was created, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was funded by the French government in 2004 in an attempt to ingratiate themselves with the Chinese communist dictatorship. Upon completion, the Chinese let only one French national into the building. What went on in that building was solely the work of the Chinese state.

As that was going on, events that led to the making of the virus occurred in the West. Those started decades before with the founding of The Wildlife Trust in 1971 by English wildlife lover Gerald Durrell.

Its headquarters eventually moved to New York. Then in 1997, the Wildlife Trust spun out The Consortium for Conservation Medicine. This organization has been described as a “unique collaborative institution that strives to understand the link between anthropogenic environmental change, the health of all species, and the conservation of biodiversity.” In other words, it is a spiritual home for health academics worried about global warming.

The Wildlife Trust and the Consortium for Conservation Medicine merged in 2010 to form the EcoHealth Alliance. One benefit from the name change was to enable government health bodies to give it money.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and his offsider at the National Institutes of Health, David Morens, have been publishing papers like this one since 2004.  In that paper they list ‘Intent to harm’ as a contributing factor in the emergence of infectious diseases. 

This is expanded in a paragraph on ‘Deliberately emerging infections’:

Deliberately emerging microbes are those that have been developed by man, usually for nefarious use. The term ‘deliberately emerging’ refers to both naturally occurring microbial agents such as anthrax 6, and to bioengineered microorganisms such as those created by the insertion of genetic virulence factors that produce or exacerbate disease. Deliberately emerging microbes include microorganisms or toxins produced in a form that would cause maximal harm because of ease of dissemination, enhanced infectivity or heightened pathogenicity.

They warned us that there could be such a thing as a diabolical operation from a bad actor to spread disease.

They also had an interest in global warming. The first of Fauci’s and Morens’s subsequent papers to mention “global warming in the emergence of diseases” was this one, from 2008.

About the same time, virus researchers in the U.S. started doing interesting things. Two labs altered the H5N1 avian flu strain so that it was more readily transmittable between ferrets. Ferrets use the same cellular receptors as humans for the virus, and strains that infect people spread among ferrets and cause similar symptoms. This is ‘gain of function’ research which is another way of saying they were trying to make deadly viruses yet more deadly. Because of lab mishaps, gain of function research was outlawed in the U.S. in 2012.

It was at this time that somebody, one Nicholas Evans, nailed Fauci’s idee fixe. In a reply to a paper co-authored by Fauci’s sidekick Morens is this sentence:

To claim that nature conducts research is playing fast and loose with the criteria; that nature breaks the rules smacks of an animism that is hard to fathom.

Fauci reacted to the ban on gain of function research by taking it to China, where he knew this sort of thing was going on. This was channeled through his ideological soulmates at EcoHealth Alliance. As Rudy Giuliani said in an interview:

Back in 2014, the Obama administration prohibited the U.S. from giving money to any laboratory, including in the U.S., that was fooling around with these viruses. Prohibited. Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory. And then even after the State Department issued reports about how unsafe that laboratory was, and how suspicious they were in the way they were developing a virus that could be transmitted to humans, we never pulled that money.

This is why the U.S. consulate in Wuhan visited the lab a number of times and wrote reports complaining about the poor biosecurity standards there. A lab mishap duly occurred at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Satellite imagery shows roadblocks around the lab from Oct. 6 to Oct. 11, 2019. This is supported by U.S. mapping of mobile phone traffic which showed a reduction in traffic from the affected building. Meanwhile, the Russians realized that troop movements could be mapped by the U.S. from mobile phone data, so over in Russia, Putin banned Russian troops from carrying mobile phones a week later.

The virus spread. Zinc is known to inhibit viral replication. Doctors in Wuhan remembered a 2014 paper which showed that chloroquine is a zinc ionophore and found that it worked in treating infected patients. On May 22, 2020, the U.K. medical journal The Lancet joyously published a paper stating that hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work. Medical authorities around the world reacted by withdrawing hydroxychloroquine from treatment of the Wuhan virus. Death rates spiked up dramatically about two weeks later. This is illustrated by the experience in Switzerland, as shown by the following graphic from France Soir:

The gray-shaded area is the period of increased deaths in Switzerland due to the study in The Lancet. The death rate jumped 13 days after the administration of hydroxychloroquine was withdrawn, and then it dropped 13 days after the resumption of dispensing hydroxychloroquine. That was just Switzerland. The Lancet retracted the paper on June 4, more over the damage it was doing to its reputation than embarrassment at the number of deaths it caused. Nobody in the media has displayed any interest in who was behind this hit job.

It has been estimated that the fatwa against hydroxychloroquine resulted in 80,000 deaths around the world.

A similar hit job was attempted on the diabetic drug metformin which had also been found to be effective against the Wuhan virus.  From down in the comments it is noted that “hydroxychloroquine did show excellent results just for prophylaxis of diabetes” in a paper from April 2019. So, it seems that diabetic drugs are effective against the Wuhan virus, perhaps all of them. This is due to reduced conversion of sugars to fat. Hydroxychloroquine combines that effect with being a zinc ionophore.

If somebody funded the hit jobs on hydroxychloroquine and metformin, there has been no interest in finding out who, or their motivation. 

Now back to Dr Fauci. In September he and his sidekick Morens published the latest iteration of their 2004 paper. Fauci’s weltanschaung is succinctly put in this paragraph from the September 2020 paper:

The COVID-19 pandemic is yet another reminder, added to the rapidly growing archive of historical reminders, that in a human-dominated world, in which our human activities represent aggressive, damaging, and unbalanced interactions with nature, we will increasingly provoke new disease emergences. We remain at risk for the foreseeable future. COVID-19 is among the most vivid wake-up calls in over a century. It should force us to begin to think in earnest and collectively about living in more thoughtful and creative harmony with nature.

It reminds me of the Unabomber’s manifesto which stated in part that modernity has “subjected human beings to indignities, has led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and has inflicted severe damage on the natural world.”  Fauci is no Unabomber, but his use of the expression “wake-up call” to describe what looks like biowarfare is disturbing to say the least, particularly when Dr. Fauci sent millions of taxpayer dollars to the lab from which COVID-19 seems to have emerged.   

The world has failed to heat up as predicted by the global warming necromancers, instead remaining stubbornly pleasant. To imply that the appearance of the Wuhan virus proves that Nature is taking its revenge on humans for not living in harmony with it raises awkward questions about Dr. Fauci’s worldview.

David Archibald is the author of American Gripen: The Solution to the F-35 Nightmare

According to Australian researchers, the Wuhan COVID-19 virus likely is artificial, created in the lab — in China. According to Chinese virologist Li Meng Yan, it was intentionally created and spread by the Chinese government.  

Let’s start from the beginning, the physical construction of the place where the virus was created, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was funded by the French government in 2004 in an attempt to ingratiate themselves with the Chinese communist dictatorship. Upon completion, the Chinese let only one French national into the building. What went on in that building was solely the work of the Chinese state.

As that was going on, events that led to the making of the virus occurred in the West. Those started decades before with the founding of The Wildlife Trust in 1971 by English wildlife lover Gerald Durrell.

Its headquarters eventually moved to New York. Then in 1997, the Wildlife Trust spun out The Consortium for Conservation Medicine. This organization has been described as a “unique collaborative institution that strives to understand the link between anthropogenic environmental change, the health of all species, and the conservation of biodiversity.” In other words, it is a spiritual home for health academics worried about global warming.

The Wildlife Trust and the Consortium for Conservation Medicine merged in 2010 to form the EcoHealth Alliance. One benefit from the name change was to enable government health bodies to give it money.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and his offsider at the National Institutes of Health, David Morens, have been publishing papers like this one since 2004.  In that paper they list ‘Intent to harm’ as a contributing factor in the emergence of infectious diseases. 

This is expanded in a paragraph on ‘Deliberately emerging infections’:

Deliberately emerging microbes are those that have been developed by man, usually for nefarious use. The term ‘deliberately emerging’ refers to both naturally occurring microbial agents such as anthrax 6, and to bioengineered microorganisms such as those created by the insertion of genetic virulence factors that produce or exacerbate disease. Deliberately emerging microbes include microorganisms or toxins produced in a form that would cause maximal harm because of ease of dissemination, enhanced infectivity or heightened pathogenicity.

They warned us that there could be such a thing as a diabolical operation from a bad actor to spread disease.

They also had an interest in global warming. The first of Fauci’s and Morens’s subsequent papers to mention “global warming in the emergence of diseases” was this one, from 2008.

About the same time, virus researchers in the U.S. started doing interesting things. Two labs altered the H5N1 avian flu strain so that it was more readily transmittable between ferrets. Ferrets use the same cellular receptors as humans for the virus, and strains that infect people spread among ferrets and cause similar symptoms. This is ‘gain of function’ research which is another way of saying they were trying to make deadly viruses yet more deadly. Because of lab mishaps, gain of function research was outlawed in the U.S. in 2012.

It was at this time that somebody, one Nicholas Evans, nailed Fauci’s idee fixe. In a reply to a paper co-authored by Fauci’s sidekick Morens is this sentence:

To claim that nature conducts research is playing fast and loose with the criteria; that nature breaks the rules smacks of an animism that is hard to fathom.

Fauci reacted to the ban on gain of function research by taking it to China, where he knew this sort of thing was going on. This was channeled through his ideological soulmates at EcoHealth Alliance. As Rudy Giuliani said in an interview:

Back in 2014, the Obama administration prohibited the U.S. from giving money to any laboratory, including in the U.S., that was fooling around with these viruses. Prohibited. Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory. And then even after the State Department issued reports about how unsafe that laboratory was, and how suspicious they were in the way they were developing a virus that could be transmitted to humans, we never pulled that money.

This is why the U.S. consulate in Wuhan visited the lab a number of times and wrote reports complaining about the poor biosecurity standards there. A lab mishap duly occurred at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Satellite imagery shows roadblocks around the lab from Oct. 6 to Oct. 11, 2019. This is supported by U.S. mapping of mobile phone traffic which showed a reduction in traffic from the affected building. Meanwhile, the Russians realized that troop movements could be mapped by the U.S. from mobile phone data, so over in Russia, Putin banned Russian troops from carrying mobile phones a week later.

The virus spread. Zinc is known to inhibit viral replication. Doctors in Wuhan remembered a 2014 paper which showed that chloroquine is a zinc ionophore and found that it worked in treating infected patients. On May 22, 2020, the U.K. medical journal The Lancet joyously published a paper stating that hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work. Medical authorities around the world reacted by withdrawing hydroxychloroquine from treatment of the Wuhan virus. Death rates spiked up dramatically about two weeks later. This is illustrated by the experience in Switzerland, as shown by the following graphic from France Soir:

The gray-shaded area is the period of increased deaths in Switzerland due to the study in The Lancet. The death rate jumped 13 days after the administration of hydroxychloroquine was withdrawn, and then it dropped 13 days after the resumption of dispensing hydroxychloroquine. That was just Switzerland. The Lancet retracted the paper on June 4, more over the damage it was doing to its reputation than embarrassment at the number of deaths it caused. Nobody in the media has displayed any interest in who was behind this hit job.

It has been estimated that the fatwa against hydroxychloroquine resulted in 80,000 deaths around the world.

A similar hit job was attempted on the diabetic drug metformin which had also been found to be effective against the Wuhan virus.  From down in the comments it is noted that “hydroxychloroquine did show excellent results just for prophylaxis of diabetes” in a paper from April 2019. So, it seems that diabetic drugs are effective against the Wuhan virus, perhaps all of them. This is due to reduced conversion of sugars to fat. Hydroxychloroquine combines that effect with being a zinc ionophore.

If somebody funded the hit jobs on hydroxychloroquine and metformin, there has been no interest in finding out who, or their motivation. 

Now back to Dr Fauci. In September he and his sidekick Morens published the latest iteration of their 2004 paper. Fauci’s weltanschaung is succinctly put in this paragraph from the September 2020 paper:

The COVID-19 pandemic is yet another reminder, added to the rapidly growing archive of historical reminders, that in a human-dominated world, in which our human activities represent aggressive, damaging, and unbalanced interactions with nature, we will increasingly provoke new disease emergences. We remain at risk for the foreseeable future. COVID-19 is among the most vivid wake-up calls in over a century. It should force us to begin to think in earnest and collectively about living in more thoughtful and creative harmony with nature.

It reminds me of the Unabomber’s manifesto which stated in part that modernity has “subjected human beings to indignities, has led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and has inflicted severe damage on the natural world.”  Fauci is no Unabomber, but his use of the expression “wake-up call” to describe what looks like biowarfare is disturbing to say the least, particularly when Dr. Fauci sent millions of taxpayer dollars to the lab from which COVID-19 seems to have emerged.   

The world has failed to heat up as predicted by the global warming necromancers, instead remaining stubbornly pleasant. To imply that the appearance of the Wuhan virus proves that Nature is taking its revenge on humans for not living in harmony with it raises awkward questions about Dr. Fauci’s worldview.

David Archibald is the author of American Gripen: The Solution to the F-35 Nightmare

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from American Thinker can be found here ***