It’s obvious to anyone who looks at this fairly that The Deep State both in he U.S. and internationally has done everything in its power to get rid of Donald Trump since even before his election. Why? Because he has been a thorn in their side since then.

At the same time, both U.S. Democrat politicians have twisted every thing Trump has said and done to assassinate his character. And internationally China along with European entrenched globalist politicians have pushed back on Trump’s attempts to make them more accommodating to American interests in trade deals, military defense of their own interests and border security.

These are interests that improve American quality of life. Jobs, an end to endless wars and reduction of crime in American cities. The Democrats on the other hand want to continue down the road of bashing America even though America has proven itself the most inclusive open society in the world. If you don’t believe that just look at what goes on in the Middle East, Africa ,South America or Asia. Everything from killing gays to genocide, oppression of minorities and closed societies. Europe has become an economic basket case under the European Union. And individual freedom is oppressed way more so in Europe as well as Australia and New Zealand.

If you want to go back to the bad old days don’t vote for Donald Trump. —Leon Gamino, Hammond

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