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Stop the silence: Big Tech continues to SILENCE critics of 5G technology

Image: Stop the silence: Big Tech continues to SILENCE critics of 5G technology

If you’ve ever wondered why some areas of the world are stopping 5G rollouts due to health concerns while others are carrying on with their plans without reservation, look no further than the deep pockets of telecommunications firms and the social media platforms protecting them. Although it’s not hard to find information about 5G’s many dangers if you look for it, those who criticize 5G technology are being regularly silenced by Big Tech as they try to keep word from spreading.

That’s exactly what happened to Sacramento activist Noah Davidson when he noticed family members experiencing health problems right after Verizon put up a small cell tower 45 feet from their home. After other members of the community started experiencing similar problems, he started a grassroots movement to help raise awareness about the dangers of 5G and to work with telecommunications firms to set up a program allowing those who don’t want 5G near them to opt out.

However, his efforts apparently drew the attention of internet censors, with YouTube suspending his account without explanation. His videos contained footage of activists speaking out at a city council meeting in Sacramento. Of course, it benefits YouTube and its owner Google greatly to have this technology in wide use throughout the country.

It is not unusual for Facebook to silence voices that threaten its own profits and those of its sponsors. Facebook recently blocked at least two anti-5G groups, one of which had 60,000 members. The groups were set up to unite people with concerns about the rollout of 5G.

Meanwhile, Children’s Health Defense, a nonprofit organization founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., filed a complaint against Facebook and CEO Mark Zuckerberg for censoring its posts by labeling claims about 5G as well as vaccines as containing “false information checked by independent fact checkers.” They also named Facebook’s fact checking partners – PolitiFact, Poynter Institute and Science Feedback – in the suit.

The media is also helping keep 5G concerns under wraps. When an international group of hundreds of scientists wrote a letter to the World Health Organization outlining serious concerns about the electromagnetic fields created by wireless devices, their efforts did not get a lot of media attention, despite identifying such serious dangers as a greater cancer risk, genetic damage, reproductive system changes, memory and learning deficits, neurological disorders and cellular stress. They also pointed out that EMF affects living creatures at levels that are quite lower than most guidelines.

5G is riskier than its predecessors

One thing that makes 5G particularly risky is its use of a shorter wavelength than the one that 4G networks use. Alarmingly, 5G networks use millimeter wavelengths that are not unlike those used in crowd control devices to make targets feel like their skin is burning. There has also been research showing that human sweat ducts essentially act like antennas that attract short millimeter waves, where they are absorbed into the body.

There’s also the fact that exposure to the EMF created by wireless devices will be unprecedented. First, because the short millimeter waves it uses cannot travel as far as longer waves, there will be significantly more small cell units installed to help create a 5G network. In some places, they may be installed every couple of houses, and they will all be emitting microwave radiation.

On top of that, the number of wireless devices in use is increasing dramatically. Smart cities are using wireless networks for collecting and analyzing data about everything from traffic and lighting to security, transit and parking, while people everywhere become increasingly reliant on their devices. In short, 5G is going to be everywhere pretty soon, and there won’t be a way for those who wish to avoid it to do so.

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***