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2020 Election

Trump Team Promises ‘Treasure Trove’ in Election Legal Battle: Here’s the Latest on GA, WI, MI, AZ and PA

WASHINGTON –  President Trump’s legal team has been promising some big revelations of vote-rigging as they contest the election with lawsuits and recounts in key states. But it’s been more than two weeks since Election Day, and the clock is ticking down as they push states to uncover more votes and prove voter fraud. 

“They believe there’s a treasure trove here,” CBN News Chief Political Analyst David Brody said Wednesday on our “Faith Nation” program. “Those are the words (White House Press Secretary) Kayleigh McEnany said to me a couple of days ago and they are about to show us all this ‘treasure trove’ but they need to do it pretty quickly.” 

The question is then, could it be enough to hand Trump another four years in the White House? 

Today in Georgia, officials will announce the results of a statewide hand recount. Nearly 6,000 ballots that had not been counted there were found in four counties. Trump gained nearly 1,400 more votes than Joe Biden, narrowing the lead but not enough to flip the end result. 

And there was a serious error in the hand recount in Georgia’s DeKalb County that would have given Biden 9,000 extra votes, but it was caught at the last minute by an election monitor and corrected. The mistake was never applied to the final tally, but GOP recount monitors argue they weren’t allowed to have enough watchers to prevent other potential problems like that one. 

READ  5,000+ Uncounted Ballots Found in 3 GA Counties as State’s Election Recount Tally Expected Thursday

In Wisconsin, where Trump is projected to have lost by roughly 20,000 votes, the campaign has put down $3 million to pay for recounts in Dane and Milwaukee Counties where they’re concerned about irregularities. 

“To do a whole state would be eight, nine, ten million dollars but they don’t need to canvas and recount the whole state,” explained Brody. “What they need to do is recount the Milwaukee area specifically.” 

Next door in Michigan, a back and forth over the certification of votes in Wayne County is playing out. Tuesday, two Republicans on the canvassing board in Wayne County initially voted against certifying but then changed those votes two hours later. Wednesday night, the two filed affidavits rescinding those votes for certification, claiming they had been pressured and misled. 

Down in Arizona, a judge will hear a lawsuit to block certification in Maricopa County where the GOP is seeking a recount of two million votes. The state is scheduled to certify those ballots Thursday or Friday, but Biden only holds a 10,400-vote lead in Arizona.

And in Pennsylvania, the Trump campaign is waging several legal battles, among them, charges that ballot inspectors were denied proper access and that in six Pennsylvania counties, officials allowed voters to make changes to mail-in ballots that would have been disqualified. 

The Trump team has filed suits in all of these states as well as Nevada, but most have been defeated. 

Fred Lucas with the Daily Signal put all of this into historical context Wednesday on Faith Nation. 

“The 2000 race, that went on for 36 days,” he explained. “If you go back to 1876, issues like that, that went on from November into March before they figured that out. 1824, that was a basically litigated election in the House of Representatives. So, what we’re looking at here is not unheard of. It’s certainly not unprecedented to challenge the outcome of a presidential race.” 

Meanwhile, more Republicans are urging Trump to allow Joe Biden to get intelligence briefings. The Biden team has also been blocked from information in the fight against the Coronavirus. Biden says the holdup could put his administration behind by weeks come January. 

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from CBN can be found here.