New research shows that wearing a mask will not protect you against the coronavirus

Danish scientists finally found a journal brave enough to publish new research they compiled to show that mask-wearing is, at best, a placebo when it comes to protecting against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
Contrary to claims made by Anthony Fauci, establishment Democrats, and others that wearing a face mask is the most effective way to avoid infection, experts from across the pond discovered that covering up one’s mouth and nose does pretty much nothing to protect a person against the novel virus.
Published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the study looked at 4,862 participants, half of whom were instructed to wear a mask in public. The other half were instructed to go about their lives as normal breathing fresh air.
Antibody testing conducted later on in the research revealed that 42 of the participants who wore a mask showed up as positive compared to 53 of those who did not wear a mask. The other 4,767 participants all tested negative, regardless of whether or not they wore a mask.
Because the positivity rate between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers was roughly equal at 1.8 percent and 2.1 percent, respectively, the researchers concluded that the difference was statistically insignificant – meaning masks cannot be scientifically shown to protect against the virus.
“Our study gives an indication of how much you gain from wearing a mask,” stated lead author Dr. Henning Bundgaard. “Not a lot.”
Dr. Christine Laine, Editor-in-Chief of the Annals of Internal Medicine, added a little more spin to the findings, suggesting that masks are “not a magic bullet.”
The CDC on its website also explains that the “real-world” effectiveness of masks has not been scientifically proven, as any associated research is currently “limited to observational and epidemiological studies.”
CDC journal declares face masks non-effective at preventing transmission of viruses
It apparently took a while to find a journal that was willing to publish these politically incorrect findings. Now that they have been published, the mainstream media is scrambling to come up with a response.
The New York Times, for instance, is claiming that the study’s conclusion “flies in the face of other research suggesting that masks do protect the wearer,” though such research was not delineated.
The Times went on to present statements made by the CDC in its latest bulletin claiming that cloth masks may – emphasis on the word may – help to protect the wearer. Whether or not they do for sure, however, has yet to be established.
Desperate to maintain the pro-mask narrative, the Times went on to present various hypotheticals that could potentially negate the validity of these latest findings, such as participants not wearing their masks correctly.
However, the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases, which just so happens to be published by the CDC, included a study of its own in the May 2020 edition that disagrees with the Times and actually validates this latest research out of Denmark.
In that study’s abstract, scientists explain that after a review of various nonpharmaceutical personal protective measures and environmental hygiene measures as employed in various non-healthcare settings, a determination was made that face masks do “not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”
“We similarly found limited evidence on the effectiveness of improved hygiene and environmental cleaning,” the paper adds.
In other words, pretty much everything the “authorities” are now telling people to do, from profusely washing hands to wearing a mask at all times to constantly using hand sanitizer, is certifiably useless as far as actual science is concerned.
“Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect against accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids,” the paper concluded.
“Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”
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