Enough of the election conspiracy theories: Letters

Re “Election results clearer than ever” (Dec. 2):When will the insanity stop?There hasn’t been a shred of evidence shown to support any of the false claims that anything went wrong with the election, despite a continued spread of false accusations of that idea.Maybe next one of Trump’s lawyers or even this paper will come up with the theory that an AI program caused Trump to lose.It’s time to stop any reference to a stolen election of any kind unless actual evidence can be supplied.Maybe Hugo Chavez will come back from the dead and show us all how it was done on Nov. 3.— Christopher Otto, Riverside
Biden will get all the creditRe “Biden, top Democrats swing behind bipartisan virus aid bill” (Dec. 3):In today’s newsfeed the Democrats are revising the relief money from $2 trillion to $1 trillion. After blocking any relief initiated by the Republicans, they can now, after the election, take credit just like they will after the virus runs its course. I can’t wait for the headlines: “Biden ends COVID-19, the pandemic is over thanks to Joe Biden.”Operation Warp Speed will be forgotten and the Biden administration will take credit for the vaccine. The press will hide whatever good Trump has done during his presidency.— Tim Threadgold, Riverside
Most important speechThe current POTUS made the “most important speech” of his presidency yesterday.On the worst day of the COVID-19 crisis so far, he is still whining about the election.Four years ago Hilary actually won the popular vote yet she took it like a trooper, shook his hand and moved on.This should be a lesson to us all on why we shouldn’t elect a president with no political experience, no clue on why our founding fathers created a government with three branches.He is an embarrassment to this country. We, the people, are better than this. It’s time to pick up your toys and go home.— Roxa Higgins, HighlandCorrection:Due to a design error, an unedited version of an editorial on Measures J and K was published. The editorial incorrectly stated Measure K limited San Bernardino County supervisorial terms to one year. It should have said one term.
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