Monday, March 10, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

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Great Reset

Ordinance infringes on property rights | Tremonton Leader |

I would like to thank Brigham City council members, Alden Farr and Robin Troxell for voting against the unconstitutional, draconian ordinance that Mayor Vincent, Tom Peterson and Joe Olsen voted for which would hold motel owners accountable for frequent law enforcement responses to their property.

How does a motel owner know who is going to break the law? Isn’t that Fascism, when a person owns their own property, but the government tells them what they can or cannot do with or on their property? It is wrong for the government to be dictating what a business can or cannot do.

This recently passed ordinance is a clear example of the government usurping an individual’s property rights and it needs to be repealed ASAP. I hope other businesses locally and throughout the county will rally behind this business, the Galaxie Motel and it’s owner and fight for his property rights because if he loses his rights, who will be next?

I encourage everyone to research the “The Great Reset” which can be found on the Worlds Economic Forum website. It is part of the United Nations Agenda 21 or it’s new name is Agenda 2030. Their goal by the year 2030, is for no citizen to own any property; the citizen will rent and they tell us we will be happy. Their slogan is “Build Back Better”.


Our representatives are turning a blind eye to our Constitution and their oaths of office. A representatives duty and responsibility are to preserve and protect the individual in their God given, inalienable rights; representative are fighting against God and his Devine law of Liberty.

God knows the beginning to the end, he saw our day, he saw what our representatives would do and gave us warnings in his scriptures, the Book of Revelation in the Bible and Ether Chapter 8 found in the Book of Mormon. All secret combinations will be destroyed before the Lord’s coming; many secret combinations are being exposed now. Better hurry and repent, turn, change while there is still time; the opportunity will close eventually and then it is to late.

DeAnna Hardy

Brigham City

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Google News can be found here ***