The Covid Scare Campaign Relentlessly Continues

This headline on a leading online news site stares me in the face: Coronavirus infection is on the rise in Spain. Here’s another “scare campaign” news in the time when people are catching the flu. Besides, there are those who have been tested “positive” using the inaccurate and unreliable PCR test. They feel well and have no symptoms at all yet declared “infected”. As long as the vaccine hasn’t yet been fully made ready for the public, scaremongering will continue to flood media outlets. In fact, the Spanish Health Ministry has already warned the public that the country is already entering the “third wave” of this BULLSHIT. At least, here in Madrid, we see a growing number of people who have already woken up to reality and can no longer be fooled by these scaremongers who have been the mouthpiece of the criminals behind this FALSE PANDEMIC.
Through and through, from the “first wave” to the ensuing waves thereafter, it was, is, and will be nothing but the flu. The promoters of this PLAndemic called “Covid-19” have deceived the whole world through scaremongering. There is no pandemic and the so-called “Covid-19” is nothing but HF-20 (Hyped Flu in the year 2020). It will continue until the vaccine is made available for the public. But why vaccinate when HF-20 can be treated by over-the-counter medicines like Fluimucil Forte 600 mg and Paracetamol 500 mg? Even the home-remedy steam inhalation has been proven effective in declogging the lungs to makes the “infected” person feel better instead of subjecting them to the lethal risk of intubation in the hospital.
Three months ago, a woman surfer was arrested in San Sebastian north of Spain after someone reported to authorities that she was tested “positive” for coronavirus infection. It seems like the “dirty pieces” are falling into their proper places and the canards about the so-called virus infection are only meant to scare people and condition their minds to effect global economic disruption. The scare tactics have paid off and fostered extreme paranoia in people’s minds. The aftermath is the severe destruction of a country’s economy. The PLANdemic has been very successful in Spain and the criminals behind it are rejoicing. The world’s been single-mindedly caught up and terrorized by the PLANdemic unaware that we’re heading toward a global economic disaster. Everybody’s been positive about the “new normal” but nobody sees the evil of the “Great Reset”. That’s the power of brainwashing.
Take that woman as a case in point: Tested “positive” but didn’t feel sick at all. “Asymptomatic” as the term applied to her. But she could get into surfing which is one heck of a strenuous sport. You think a really sick person could do surfing? And now you say that the danger she posed to the general public was the real issue. Whatever the real issue was, I’d like to think that the woman was taking care of herself well and careful enough not to be in close contact with the others. In fact, when she was arrested, she was all alone on the beach isolated from her colleagues and from the general public. But she fell victim to this whole “scare network” to advance the programme of economic disempowerment globally perpetrated by the criminals behind the coronavirus PLANdemic.
The news item carrying the story on an online news site has a photo and a short video clip projecting the impact of a nasty drama intended to strike heightened terror and trepidation in the minds of people who have been conditioned by media propaganda to believe that the coronavirus PLANdemic is out there to get them. When the lies are no longer sustainable and defiance is not only looming but has already become overwhelming, this is the kind of news they come up with.
The Covid-19 that’s proliferating all over the world could actually be “PSYCHOLOGICAL COVID”! [1]. Now that practically all of us have already been caught within this nasty loop, there’s no way to get out unless there’s a radical change of mind. The global propaganda has imprisoned us in what could be likened to Plato’s cave. In this condition, the most difficult thing to do is to shatter the chimera and free ourselves from enslavement.
Media outlets subservient to the “scare narratives” imposed by the criminals behind the spread of this virus have regularly been coming up with reports condemning people defiant of prescriptions laid down by the powers that take advantage of the situation. Because of the on-going regimen imposed to control the spread of the virus, there will not only be a “second wave” but a “third wave” and a “fourth wave” and so on and so forth even in the next two or three decades. Simply put, this event, misnomered as a “pandemic” will go on and on and on. And this is what the criminal economic dictators have designed it to be. In the final analysis, they will certainly be in absolute control of the global economy.
In countries where hundreds of thousands of people have been heavily infected by Covid-19, the massive number of deaths was not due to the virus itself but because of killer drugs (anti-Malaria, anti-HIV, anti-Ebola, etc.) administered to severely ill patients in hospitals. And all along, my theory stands: “Covid-19” which in reality is HF-20 (hyped flu in 2020) is not a joke but it is not as deadly as it has been peddled by its creators. Patients don’t have to be hospitalized even in severe cases because treatment may be administered at home: (1) To declog the lungs of thick phlegm/mucus that could lead to infection resulting in pneumonia, Fluimucil Forte 600 mg is the solution; (2) To ease breathing, intubation is not necessary (in fact, it could even cause lethal consequences); steam inhalation is the solution; (3) There’s fever? Nothing beats Paracetamol 500 mg.
In conclusion, one thing is certain: We’ve been deceived – and immensely deceived – by the creators of this virus (1) to take total control over global economies and (2) to sell to us the vaccine they have been developing and fast-tracking with no serious consideration of all the clear and present risks it can possibly cause to the detriment of human lives.
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Prof. Ruel F. Pepa is a Filipino philosopher based in Madrid, Spain. A retired academic (Associate Professor IV), he taught Philosophy and Social Sciences for more than fifteen years at Trinity University of Asia, an Anglican university in the Philippines.
[1] “How many people have ‘psychological COVID?” by John Rappoport
Featured image is from dreamstime
*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here ***