Robert Kiyosaki: Big Pharma “threatened to have me killed” for criticizing coronavirus vaccine

In a chilling interview, author Robert Kiyosaki said that Big Pharma threatened to have him killed if he didn’t stop criticizing coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.
A violation of the first amendment
He cited Brian Rose, a former banker on Wall Street, as an example of Big Pharma’s attempts to squelch anyone’s attempt to shed light on the coronavirus “plandemic.”
Now the host of a podcast that features in-depth interviews, Rose has made it his goal to help the public learn how to see through “the numbing effects of mainstream media.” Unfortunately, Rose was taken off the air because he talked about something controversial: Freedom of speech and the dangers of being politically correct (PC).
Last November, Rose talked about why continued lockdowns were a mistake, one with huge repercussions on a country’s economy. He also discussed the data the government used to inform their decision to enforce a second “increasingly costly lockdown.”
Citing Rose’s case as an example, Kiyosaki noted that by being PC, you violate the first amendment: The freedom of speech.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, another thing that’s being violated is the right to assembly. Social distancing and closing down businesses is a violation of the first amendment.
Kiyosaki was also worried that rights are being ripped out of people’s hands, which was disturbing considering America was a country that prided itself on giving citizens the freedom to live their own lives.
He also explained that Rose was taken off the air because he criticized LinkedIn, Bill Gates and YouTube. This highlights the importance of being careful about what you say or post online because your freedom of speech is gone.
Additionally, Kiyosaki discussed some of the horrible threats he received after he criticized vaccines. The threats seem unwarranted, particularly since the author has studied vaccines himself and is familiar with how they work.
He explained that the primary reason vaccines are so profitable is because when they’re brought out, you can’t be sued for any failure of the vaccine, something Big Pharma knows and is exploiting amid the coronavirus pandemic.
If the vaccine kills 10 million people, Big Pharma and anyone involved in the creation of these vaccines will walk away scot-free.
First, Big Pharma produces the vaccine, then they get someone well-known, like President Donald Trump or Barack Obama, to push it. (Related: Covid truths BANNED and CENSORED by Big Pharma.)
Big Pharma’s smokescreen
Kiyosaki shared that after he revealed what he knew about Big Pharma’s plans for vaccines, he received a chilling warning: “Don’t do that anymore because we will kill you.” His friend, who was a doctor, confirmed that Big Pharma isn’t messing around and that they will indeed kill him if he continues to expose the truth about the COVID-19 vaccines.
Kiyosaki said that these threats concerned him because he believes in freedom of speech. He also agrees that people can disagree since everyone has their own opinion, but Big Pharma when too far when he received a death threat.
People started playing games, and now the game is out of control, he warned.
Kiyosaki explained that the “corona crisis” is an elaborate smokescreen for something that has been going on for years and that the public should be worried about the financial crisis caused by the “pandemic.”
He also urged millennials to take the current situation more seriously, especially since they need to understand how money is created. Money is all about credit, debt and taxes, which isn’t taught clearly in school.
Kiyosaki added that the world economy is crashing because back in 1971, the only way to keep the economy expanding was to find people “stupid enough to get into debt.” As a kid, Kiyosaki himself didn’t have a credit card.
And while everyone has credit cards now, unfortunately, only a handful of people know how to use one properly. People had credit cards because they needed more money, but, ironically, they were also the cause of debt among card owners.
Kiyosaki also talked about 2009, a year he dubbed was the most “dastardly” for millennials. In 2009, then-President Obama went to banks and told them to get more students into debt by telling them they needed to get a good education.
There are only 4.5 trillion dollars in base money and according to Kiyosaki, there is 225 trillion in debt. This makes for an impossible gap between the two. While he’s not sure when he knows the economy will soon come to a shuddering halt because of this discrepancy.
In his book “Rich Dad’s Prophecy,” Kiyosaki cautioned that the economy may crash in 2016. Even then, he was caught unaware by quantitative easing and zero interest rates. He also didn’t foresee how desperate America’s leaders were.
The Federal Reserve Bank, the Treasury and Wall Street were all willing to enforce Obama’s plan to put students in debt.
Back in September, Kiyosaki, known for his book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad, cautioned that a functional solution to the coronavirus pandemic “would send safe-haven assets plummeting.”
He tweeted that once a COVID-19 vaccine is approved, gold, silver and Bitcoin will crash and that the real problem isn’t the pandemic but “massive U.S. debt.” As expected, Big Pharma is masking the “real” issues at stake, especially for the American economy.
The country is $26.7 trillion in debt, reports monitoring resource U.S. National Debt Clock. The bulk of the country’s debt appeared via stimulus measures when the pandemic hit and now the U.S. is bankrupt, concluded Kiyosaki.
Despite the threats to his life, the author continues to encourage people to stay informed about the “plandemic” and to refuse Big Pharma’s potentially dangerous vaccine.
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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***