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2020 Election

Editorial: Fed Trump’s lies, mob laid siege to our democracy

Protesters supporting U.S. President Donald Trump break into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021 in Washington, D.C. Congress held a joint session today to ratify President-elect Joe Biden's 306-232 Electoral College win over President Donald Trump. A group of Republican senators said they would reject the Electoral College votes of several states unless Congress appointed a commission to audit the election results. (Win McNamee/Getty Images/TNS)

The gathering of Congress Wednesday to confirm the presidential election results soon became one of the darkest days for American democracy since the Civil War.

Bloodshed. Shattered windows. Tear gas. Elected officials and their staffers huddled in locked offices while pro-Trump rioters stormed the halls of Congress.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday delivered his American carnage.

It was a vile and seditious spectacle, and a wholly predictable one. Trump has spent the past two months refusing to concede to President-elect Joe Biden, spewing lies about a “rigged” and “stolen” election and urging his followers to fight back. The protest Wednesday, Trump tweeted weeks ago, “will be wild!”

All of the Republican officials who echoed that rhetoric, who amplified bogus claims of voter fraud, who took extraordinary steps to try to overturn the election — all of them emboldened and legitimized the lawless mob that stopped our country in its tracks Wednesday. Historians will record — and Texas voters should remember — the disgraceful acts of Sen. Ted Cruz, U.S. Reps. Pete Sessions, John Carter and Roger Williams and others who came to the Capitol Wednesday seeking to delegitimize votes from key states, while Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton plied the Trump rally crowd with more falsehoods about a stolen election.

Maybe this was a political game to them. But the mob that poured into the Capitol wasn’t playing. Fed a steady diet of lies that their country is being stolen from them and that their votes don’t matter, they turned to violence to be heard.

The sickening events Wednesday underscored the value of our democratic norms and the weight of presidential rhetoric. In both his 2016 and 2020 campaigns, Trump sowed doubt about the legitimacy of American election results. He refused to commit to accepting the outcome of the election. And during his reelection bid, he refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power.

These are not optional features in a democracy. They are essential to its survival.

Even at the bitter end of his term — even after a person had been shot and killed Wednesday inside our seat of government, and the National Guard had been dispatched to quell violence at the Capitol — Trump couldn’t see past his ego to act for the good of the nation. The president took to Twitter to urge peace, yes, but also to regurgitate election grievances and tell the insurrectionists: “We love you, you’re very special.” His message was deemed so reckless that Twitter took it down.

This is not an America most of us recognize. The Republican Party, indeed the nation, has been poisoned by Trumpism. The country, which voted to purge Trump, can recover. Will the GOP?

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Austin American-Statesman can be found here ***