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2020 Election

Republicans Alleging Election Fraud Are Just Fine With Their Own Electoral Wins

When Congress meets Wednesday in a joint session to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s win, at least 80 House Republicans and 13 Senate Republicans plan to object.

These Republicans are claiming, falsely, that there was widespread election fraud in as many as six states. Therefore, they will object to certifying Biden’s victory in those states and, in effect, attempt to undermine democracy.

There is no evidence of widespread election fraud in any state. They know this. They simply want to stay in the good graces of President Donald Trump, who overwhelmingly lost but whose base of supporters plays a role in these lawmakers’ political futures.

There’s also a glaring hole in their argument. Some of the same Republicans saying they want to decertify the presidential election results just won their own elections in the same states where they are alleging widespread fraud tainted the process. They shared a ballot with the presidential candidates and went through the same electoral process, but don’t see any problem with the results of their own elections.

One of their colleagues even called them out on this. Republican Rep. Chip Roy (Texas), who supports certifying the presidential election results, said Monday that he objected to seating all 67 House members from the six states in which Republicans are calling for decertifying the presidential election results. Those states are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin ― all states that Biden won.

“It would confound basic human reason if the presidential results were to face objection while the congressional results of the same process escaped without public scrutiny,” Roy said in a statement. “If the electors for the office of the president were not in question, neither would be the election certificates of my colleagues present here today.”

Of the 93 GOP lawmakers currently vowing to object to certifying Biden’s win, 17 House members just won their elections in the states where they say the presidential election results should be decertified.

Those members are Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Jody Hice (Ga.), Andrew Clyde (Ga.), Barry Loudermilk (Ga.), Lisa McClain (Mich.), Jack Bergman (Mich.), Tim Walberg (Mich.), John Joyce (Pa.), Dan Meuser (Pa.), Glenn Thompson (Pa.), Mike Kelly (Pa.), Lloyd Smucker (Pa.), Guy Reschenthaler (Pa.), Fred Keller (Pa.) and Scott Perry (Pa.).

HuffPost reached out to all of them to see if they think their election results should be nullified, too, and if not, why not. Only two responded before publication.

“Protecting election integrity is much bigger than me winning an election. If that were to mean that my entire race needed to be redone ― I’m fine with that,” Bergman said in a statement. “With that said ― obviously even if you took out all the ballots that are legally and constitutionally in question, the margin in the First District would still provide an overwhelming decision.”

“Mr. Hice does not think the results of his race should be nullified,” his spokeswoman Sarah Selip said in a statement. “We believe the fraud is limited to particular counties in [Georgia]. Those counties are not in the Congressman’s district.”

(To be clear, there is no evidence of election fraud in Bergman’s state or Hice’s state.)

CNN caught up with one of the other Republicans on this list, newly elected Georgia Rep. Greene, and asked what she thinks of the validity of her state’s electoral votes.

“I believe our elections should be decertified,” she said Monday.

Asked if that applied to her election on the same ballot, Greene said, “We’re just talking about the president’s race.”