Focus on the Family sells out to coronavirus cult, says Christians should get vaccine jabbed

The popular Judeo-Christian ministry Focus on the Family (FotF) has fully succumbed to the cult of vaccination with its recent endorsement of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination, which it says is a “godly” next-step for believers to show that they “love thy neighbor.”
FotF devoted an entire radio broadcast to pushing China virus vaccines as a “safe and effective” remedy for the plandemic, citing two doctors, Daniel Hinthorn and Scott James, both of whom claim to be Christians and are fully supportive of the jabs.
Members of FotF’s “Physicians Resource Council,” a several-dozen-member advisory group that meets twice a year to evaluate FotF’s medical information and advice to ensure that it is “medically accurate,” Hinthorn and James help the ministry form policy on bioethics issues, as well as create content for FotF.
Dubbed the “Intersection of God and Science,” the segment explained how WuFlu vaccines were developed using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology. These chemicals “artificially stimulate” the body to develop resistance to the Chinese virus, according to Hinthorn, an infectious disease specialist who revealed that human DNA is, in fact, modified during injection.
“Usually we start with DNA, and the DNA gets unzipped and it gets copied, and the messenger RNA goes out into the cells, into the ribosomes, and it gets attached to the ribosomes, and it makes proteins against whatever it is it’s making, and it builds the antibody,” Hinthorn stated.
“And what we do is we bypass the steps by injecting messenger RNA directly into the body with the lipid, it’s called a nanoparticle, and it’s just a lipid attached to the messenger RNA.”
That nanoparticle lipid, by the way, is actually an anaphylactic toxin that causes some people to experience severe allergic reactions, possibly leading to death.
Focus on the Family bashes Dr. Wakefield, says his MMR vaccine research was “fabricated”
Hinthorn and James conversed back and forth about the “benefits” of COVID-19 vaccines, reassuring listeners that mRNA “works quite nicely” and that nobody should not be concerned about it. Vaccines have saved “many, many lives,” they further explained.
Christians who are concerned about COVID-19 causing them harm, or who object because of aborted human fetal tissue ingredients, should not worry because both concerns are non-issues. If anything, Jesus would actually support both because getting vaccinated is a good way for believers to “think ahead and plan for the future” concerning their health, the doctors allege.
Getting a Chinese virus vaccine, in other words, is fully aligned with the theology of FotF, which sees the jabs as a “good gift from God” and a “gift of common grace and help when we need it.” This is “God’s perspective,” according to the two doctors and FotF president Jim Daly.
As for Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British doctor who found that MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccines were causing his child patients to develop gastrointestinal problems linked to autism, the two FotF doctors denounced his research as “fabricated” and encouraged listeners not to even consider Wakefield’s findings.
Those who still worry that COVID-19 jabs might be part of the “mark of the beast” system were also reassured that this is not the case because pandemics have always existed. The doctors and show hosts then suggested that we are not even in the end times at all.
All in all, getting vaccinated is an opportunity to “love our neighbor,” they concluded. It’s a “specific action that protects vulnerable people in our communities, so as a follower of Christ, I want to wisely think about how I engage that opportunity,” is how James put it, to which Daly responded by citing John 10:10.
“Poor Dr. Luke did not have the knowledge that we have today,” Daly further stated, suggesting that Luke from the New Testament was ill-equipped to heal people back in the day because vaccines had not yet been invented.
The latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine scam and the religious organizations that are pushing it can be found at
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