Craig Kelly invoked the name of an Australian immunologist during a confrontation with Tanya Plibersek, but that doesn’t mean he’s correct about COVID-19 treatments
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CoronaCheck #52
Welcome to CoronaCheck 2021. The team at RMIT ABC Fact Check are back and ready for another year of debunking misinformation, demystifying conspiracies and countering nonsense.
This week, we’ve looked into claims made by federal MP Craig Kelly, who has stated repeatedly that an immunologist whose views on COVID-19 treatments align with his own is the “most senior” and “most qualified” in Australia.
In addition, we’ve explained why it’s a good idea to be mindful of news reports about polls on vaccination, and bring you the latest from the US and Myanmar.
Craig Kelly’s last stand?
Might Craig Kelly become the most talked about government backbencher in 2021, a potential election year? If recent weeks are anything to go by, he seems destined to be among the frontrunners for such a label.
Among Mr Kelly’s recent newsworthy moments have been an appearance on a podcast with known conspiracy theorist, occasional poster of neo-Nazi cartoons and celebrity chef Pete Evans, as well as a “dressing down” from Prime Minister Scott Morrison in the wake of a public confrontation with Labor’s Tanya Plibersek in the corridors of Parliament House.

During that run-in, Ms Plibersek accused the Member for Hughes of “spreading crazy conspiracy theories”, to which Mr Kelly responded by suggesting the former deputy Labor leader “listen to our most senior immunologist”.
“Did you hear about Professor [Robert] Clancy?” Mr Kelly asked Ms Plibersek.
“You need to listen to the most senior qualified immunologist in this country, Professor Robert Clancy.”
Mr Kelly has also frequently made mention of Professor Clancy on his Facebook page, where, in multiple posts, he has drawn attention to the emeritus professor’s inclusion in the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 expert database and his ties to the University of Newcastle.
But who is Professor Robert Clancy, and what are his credentials?
According to a staff listing on the University of Newcastle’s website, Robert Clancy is an emeritus professor in the School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, focusing on immunology and microbiology.
The university, however, recently distanced itself from Professor Clancy in a statement issued in the name of its vice-chancellor, Alex Zelinski.
“While the University always respects freedom of speech, Robert Clancy is not speaking on behalf of the University of Newcastle when offering his opinion on this issue,” Professor Zelinski said.
“The University has not funded his research since 2009 and he retired in 2013.
As frequently pointed out by Mr Kelly, Professor Clancy is indeed listed on the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 expert database.
However, in an email, a spokesman for the academy confirmed for Fact Check that its database contained 1,876 experts who had “self-elected” to be included on the list — as a clearly displayed note at the top of the database also explains.
“The Academy verifies that experts in this database are listed publicly on university or other reputable organisation websites,” the spokesman said.
This point appears to have been lost on Mr Kelly, who, in some Facebook posts, shared Professor Clancy’s views alongside an image stating that “it is time to listen to the experts from the Australian Academy of Science”.
The academy’s spokesman confirmed that Professor Clancy had no formal ties to the institution.
“The Australian Academy of Science is a body that brings together Australia’s most distinguished researchers, Fellows elected for their outstanding achievements in sciences. Professor Clancy is not a Fellow of the Academy.”
As to whether Professor Clancy was Australia’s “most senior” or “most qualified” immunologist, a spokesman for the Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology told Fact Check that such labels were inappropriate.
“Immunology research is very complex and diverse, and requires detailed investigations into many different areas within a given topic,” the spokesman said in an email.
“We do not believe labels such as ‘most senior’ or ‘most qualified’ can be fairly applied to any one Immunologist (and can be very subjective).”
Spoiler alert: Facebook polls are not scientific
As Australia prepares to launch its COVID-19 vaccine program, professional pollsters at Ipsos have found that three in four Australians are willing to get the jab once it becomes available.
“Among those who agree they would get the vaccine for COVID-19, a majority would opt to receive it within a month, with an average of 44 per cent globally indicating they would get it ‘immediately’,” Ipsos said in a news release.
“In Australia, 40 per cent say immediately.”
The poll made headlines across the country, though some reports muddled the facts. One headline, still live across two News Limited websites, reads:
“One in four Australians say they will get COVID-19 vaccination but national willingness trails other countries.”
That headline appears to reverse the proportions reported by Ipsos, although it does accurately convey Australia’s relative international position.
The UK, Brazil, Mexico and Italy are among a number of nations whose citizens were reportedly more willing to get vaccinated if given the opportunity.
Meanwhile, the Hobart Mercury appeared to suggest a poll run on its Facebook page was comparable to the Ipsos findings.
“A separate survey of more than 470 readers on the Mercury’s Facebook page found 65 per cent would get the vaccine as soon as they could,” the paper reported in an article detailing the Ipsos survey results.
But as Fact Check has reported previously, Facebook polls are not an accurate measure of public sentiment.

Anne Kruger, Asia-Pacific director of verification outfit First Draft, told Fact Check in an email that the results of Facebook polls should be “taken with a grain of salt”.
“At best, they are self-selective; at worst, they can be manipulated and weaponised,” Dr Kruger said.
“There is little that can be drawn or compared between the rigorous methodology of an Ipsos survey and a Facebook poll.”
Dr Kruger explained that while it didn’t appear to be the case in this instance, Facebook polls could at times be gamed by respondents intentionally skewing the results, as can occur when activist groups share polls and tell their followers how to vote.
“Messaging about the vaccine rollout and take-up by the population is at a crucial juncture, and while it is understandable that journalists may want to gauge attitudes, this is best left to the more rigorous methods,” she said.
From Washington, D.C.
Freshly ousted former US president Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial got under way this week, just a month after the protests which led to hundreds of Mr Trump’s supporters storming the US Capitol.
On day one, senators were tasked with deciding whether or not a former president could indeed stand trial for impeachment, this time on the grounds of “incitement for insurrection”, with six Republicans breaking rank to join Democrats in bringing Mr Trump to trial.
Fact checkers at PolitiFact kept an eye on the proceedings.
Democrat Jamie Raskin, they said, was correct when he claimed “the vast majority of constitutional scholars”, including prominent conservative scholars, agreed with the Democrats that a former official could be tried in the Senate.
“The Congressional Research Service,” PolitiFact noted, “has written that while the Constitution leaves the question open to debate, ‘most scholars who have closely examined the question have concluded that Congress has authority to extend the impeachment process to officials who are no longer in office’”.
On the opposing side of the debate, Mr Trump’s defence lawyer, David Schoen, argued that the House of Representatives, which on January 10 indicted Mr Trump to stand trial, had “denied every attribute of fundamental constitutional due process”.
PolitiFact, however, said that while the House had not held hearings before its decision, it had built its case on materials already in the public eye, such as Mr Trump’s public statements.
“The Constitution doesn’t get more specific about the process than saying the House indicts and the Senate holds the trial,” the fact checkers concluded.
“It leaves it to the House to follow its own procedures.
“Due process, in terms of the opportunity to present evidence and mount a defence, is more part of the trial process in the Senate.”
In other news: Myanmar’s military coup triggers misinformation
Following the Myanmar military’s coup this month against the country’s democratically elected government, rumours, falsehoods and conspiracies have proliferated across social media, according to misinformation researchers at First Draft.
Among the conspiracies circulating are competing theories as to the involvement of a range of state actors and other powerful figures in orchestrating the coup.
Some social media users, First Draft found, have linked the takeover to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
According to one exiled Chinese businessman, Guo Wengui, the CCP “sold [Ms Suu Kyi] out” after she tried “to please the Chinese and the Americans at the same time”.
Others have drawn links between the coup and a meeting Ms Suu Kyi had with a Chinese diplomat in January, saying that the diplomat commanded the coup in order to teach Ms Suu Kyi a lesson, while some have suggested the coup was the result of the military’s desire to benefit from Ms Suu Kyi’s close relationship with the Chinese.
Erik Prince, the founder of US private military outfit Blackwater, has also been linked to the coup, with a 2019 Global Witness report providing the impetus for an unproven theory involving a private security contractor owned by Mr Prince and backed by the Chinese state-owned Citic Group.
According to one Twitter user, Mr Prince orchestrated the coup in order to “create slave-labour mines for Chinese jade corporations”.
Meanwhile, in American right-wing circles, according to First Draft, an opposing theory has circulated claiming the Myanmar military intervened to prevent further involvement of the CCP in the country.
And what’s a globally significant news event without an accompanying dose of conspiratorial George Soros stories (which are always rooted in anti-semitism)?
In this case, as First Draft found, social media users pointed to a photo posted by Mr Soros’s son Alex as “proof” of the Soros family’s involvement in the coup. The photo, showing Alex Soros in Myanmar, was posted in January 2020 — a year before the military takeover.
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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from ABC News can be found here ***