QAnon and the alt-right draw from the Nazi playbook

U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has been responsible for circulating wacky QAnon conspiracy theories that have dark, satanic themes that are reminiscent of those believed in ancient times. She and those associated with alt-right and QAnon groups target the Jewish people in the same way the Nazi Party did: They spread stump rhetoric, written propaganda and images all weaving the fiction with horrifying false characterizations and conspiracies about how the country is being destroyed by people amongst us.
What is most concerning is that Holocaust revisionism and denial has been embraced by some in academics with an agenda. It is so extreme that the genocide of 6 million Jews (along with many other minorities) throughout Europe is being questioned, especially by the younger generations who did not live through World War II.
We are in times that leave us with few of those who lived through the WWII period. The elders today are mostly those who were babies to toddlers at the time of the war. Soon, they, too, will be gone. History has recorded in video and text the war’s atrocities as they occurred and retrospectives. These archives have been maintained in Holocaust museums in Israel and the U.S., along with the U.N., and many other government archives, museums and archival organizations.
Today’s conspiracists who wish to diminish or discredit the history preserved through videos, publications and testimonials of the millions who lived through that time are attempting to erase the Holocaust, and for what purpose? It appears to be a radical political agenda or delusions from mental illness that are responsible.
The hatemongers are attracted to provincialism. They are willing to use any tactic to keep America from being a diverse democratized nation that today offers humans of all races, religions, ethnicities, genders and sexual persuasions freedom from persecution and oppression.
However, the U.S. has a jaded past that is filled with slavery, racism and segregation. It is no surprise that our nation birthed a movement in the late 1800s, known as eugenics, that led to the sterilization of over 64,000 disabled or impoverished (mostly of dark-skinned) Americans. Hitler and the Nazi Party subscribed to this ideology disguised at the time as science. The desire to propagate a superior race lead to the insanity of the 20th century Holocaust which is still recorded as the worst genocide in history — it eliminated two-thirds (67%) of the world’s Jewish population, or 6 million Jews.
Genocide is the deliberate killing of a people with the intent of eliminating them from existence.
The Jewish people had endured many battles and oppression since their tribal identity was created by the father of monotheism (the belief in one God), Abraham. It was Hitler’s Nazi fascism that targeted death to all Jews throughout the world — not just to drive them out of a land. The Nazi Party was able to formulate conspiracy theories that relied on demonizing Jews by circulating tales of Jews plotting to deceive and destroy the non-Jewish population. They played on arousing fear in a demographic group who were provincial, gullible and eager to find a scapegoat for the ills of their nation.
Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and those like her are doing exactly the same thing. These extremists are looking to instill fear and anger in Americans who see anyone other than white and Christian as a threat to the U.S. They wrap their falsehoods with patriotism and glorify the quest to attack the Jews as if Jews are not trustworthy and upstanding citizens.
Ironically, those who participate in such defamation can be seen as the real enemy of a democratized nation. Those who remain indifferent or dismissive of the trend in radicalized American patriotism and the militia cells that we today call domestic terrorism are as much to blame for the threat to our nation.
If we are to survive as a democracy, we must put party politics aside and look to history for an understanding of what gave rise to democracy. George Santayana’s iconic words spoken in 1905 could not be more relevant, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” It was in 1948 before the British House of Commons upon the end of WWII that Winston Churchill revised the quote as, “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” I ask that we, as Americans, embrace the most basic tenet of democracy to avoid a horrific slide into fascism and worse: immorality.
Allison Siegelman of York Township is a member of Central PA American Israel Public Affairs.
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