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2020 Election

Sidney Powell’s Remaining ‘Kraken’ Cases Thrown Out By Supreme Court


The U.S. Supreme Court denied requests to review far-right attorney Sidney Powell’s post-election cases in Arizona and Wisconsin Monday, the last of her cases to be rejected by the high court as the lawyer has continued to push conspiracy theories about election fraud.

Key Facts

The Supreme Court denied petitions in the two lawsuits, which both challenged the battleground states’ election results and alleged widespread election fraud, including debunked claims involving Dominion voting machines.

The cases had already been rejected by the lower courts, where a district court judge in Arizona said the case was “sorely wanting of relevant or reliable evidence” and a judge in Wisconsin said Powell’s requests for relief were beyond the court’s powers to address “absent the mythical time machine.”

The Supreme Court has already rejected Powell’s other two cases in Michigan and Georgia.

Powell and her co-counsel have voluntarily dismissed all her cases in the lower appeals courts except in Arizona, where her case there still remains pending in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Chief Critic

“The Supreme Court’s failure to date to address the massive election fraud and multiple constitutional violations that  wrought a coup of the presidency of the greatest country in world history completes the implosion of each of our three branches of government into the rubble of a sinkhole of corruption,” Powell said in an email to Forbes Monday. “It is an absolute tragedy for the Rule of Law, the future of what was a Republic, and all freedom-loving people around the world.”

Key Background

Powell has been one of the primary Trump allies to push baseless election fraud conspiracy theories in the wake of the election, particularly the claim that Dominion Voting Systems machines fraudulently flipped votes to President Joe Biden. There is no evidence to substantiate those claims, and the Trump administration and campaign distanced themselves from the attorney as a result of her fraud campaign. Powell now faces two defamation lawsuits from Dominion and rival voting company Smartmatic for spreading the allegations about the companies’ voting machines.


The Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected GOP-led cases challenging the election results, leading to frustration from President Donald Trump and his allies. “They didn’t have the courage, the Supreme Court, they didn’t have the courage to act,” Trump said in a speech Sunday at the Conservative Political Action Conference, saying the court “should be ashamed of themselves.”

What To Watch For

In addition to the defamation claims against her, state and local officials in Michigan are also requesting for Powell and her co-counsel to be sanctioned and potentially disbarred for her post-election litigation. “It’s time for the attorneys who filed these baseless lawsuits to be held accountable for their actions,” city of Detroit attorney David Fink said last week after the Supreme Court threw out Powell’s Michigan case.

Further Reading

Supreme Court Kills Pennsylvania Mail-In Voting Case And Post-Election Lawsuits (Forbes)

Sidney Powell’s Voter Fraud Claims Fail In All Battleground States As Arizona And Wisconsin Judges Reject Cases (Forbes)

Georgia Counties Ask Trump For Nearly $17,000 In Legal Fees As GOP Election Lawyers Face Consequences (Forbes)

Voting Company Smartmatic Sues Fox News, Giuliani, Sidney Powell For Defamation (Forbes)

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Forbes can be found here ***