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Judicial Watch sues CDC to access its coronavirus communication with Big Tech

Image: Judicial Watch sues CDC to access its coronavirus communication with Big Tech

The government watchdog group Judicial Watch is taking aim at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) over its secret communications with Big Tech platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

In a new federal lawsuit, Judicial Watch seeks access to all communications between the CDC and Big Tech that pertain to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), including all conversations about the restrictions that were placed on the sharing of information about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube are all highlighted as conspirators in this alleged scheme to suppress information about the Chinese virus that the medical overlords did not want to be spread.

“The public has the right to know about CDC’s involvement in Big Tech’s outrageous censorship of Americans, including doctors, who raise questions about the Covid-19 response,” says Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“The Biden [regime] should stop stonewalling and release the records about the CDC’s role in suppressing the free speech of Americans.”

Judicial Watch had previously filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for access to this information, but the CDC failed to respond. Now, Judicial Watch is taking the matter to court in the hope that justice will ultimately prevail.

The complaint asks for any and all records “of communication between CDC officials and / or employees and employees, agents, and / or representatives of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube concerning, regarding, or relating to COVID-19 related content on company platforms.”

“Such records include, but are not limited to, any advice or instructions issued on disinformation re: COVID-19.”

The court filing further notes that the CDC acknowledge receipt of the request but has not yet responded to it.

“The CDC has failed to: (i) determine whether to comply with the request; (ii) notify plaintiff of any such determination or the reasons therefor; (iii) advised plaintiff of the right to appeal any adverse determination; or (iv) produce the requested records or otherwise demonstrate that the requested records are exempt from production,” the filing reads.

The goal is to obtain a court order requiring the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to search for and obtain “any and all non-exempt records responsive to plaintiffs’ FOIA request.” It also aims to stop the CDC from continuing to withhold records.

The medical establishment wants you to get vaccinated and wear a mask forever

Back in the summer when America’s Frontline Doctors held its widely viewed “White Coat Summit,” Big Tech platforms like Facebook and Twitter took down the footage and banned it. They, like the CDC, did not want people learning about HCQ or other Chinese virus remedies.

Mainstream media outlets like NBC News did the same thing, except they went a step further by openly trashing HCQ and calling it “dangerous” and “ineffective.”

This same mainstream media is now trashing vitamin D as “ineffective” against the Wuhan flu, even though science shows that the pro-hormone nutrient is a powerful protective agent against viruses.

The only “cure” for the Chinese virus, apparently, is experimental gene therapy “vaccines” and eternal mask-wearing. Anything else is “snake oil,” according to the system, though Judicial Watch’s lawsuit could potentially put an end to this farce of a narrative.

“Thank God for Judicial Watch,” wrote one commenter at WND. “The worthless, biased and political Biden DOJ (Department of Justice) won’t do squat about this.”

“It is long past due the time when the public finds out the truth about the covid criminal conspiracy,” wrote another, adding that criminal government agencies like the CDC have “perfected” the art of accidentally losing incriminating documents.

More up-to-the-minute news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found at

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***