Trump and Biden Playing Politics: The COVID-19 “Experimental Vaccines” which are “Killing and Injuring People”

So which American president is going to take full credit for supporting the rapid development of Big Pharma’s Covid-19 vaccines that are already killing and injuring people?
Both Trump and Biden are claiming that it was their efforts that deserves global recognition for fighting a devastating pandemic by rolling out life-saving experimental vaccines. Fox News was one of the first networks to report on how former President, Donald Trump bragged about his success when he pre-maturely pushed the untested experimental Covid-19 vaccine by “arguing that without him, Americans wouldn’t receive a vaccine for years.”
In a statement, Trump said that
“I hope everyone remembers when they’re getting the COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful ‘shot’ for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all,” read a statement from the former president.
“I hope everyone remembers!” Yes Donald, eventually everybody will remember how you pushed an experimental vaccine under Operation Warp Speed, in fact, they will also remember how you even bragged about it!
“Trump’s Wednesday comments came after an event earlier in the day when President Biden announced he would order 100 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson (J&J)” the report said “after meeting with CEO’s from J&J and Merck, Biden celebrated their partnership to produce the former’s vaccine.”
The Covid-19 vaccine was produced in less than one year. The actual time frame to produce a safe and effective vaccine takes anywhere from 10-15 years and sometimes even longer because of the complex nature of testing along with various rules and regulations led by government agencies in collaboration with multi-national pharmaceutical companies and they still in many cases, are untrustworthy.
Scientific American published an interesting article in early June titled ‘Genetic Engineering Could Make a COVID-19 Vaccine in Months Rather Than Years’ on how fast can genetic engineering produce a so-called effective vaccine:
By early April almost 80 companies and institutes in 19 countries were working on vaccines, most gene-based instead of using traditional approaches, such as those that have been employed in influenza vaccines for more than 70 years. The labs predicted that a commercial vaccine could be available for emergency or compassionate use by early 2021—incredibly fast, given that vaccines to brand-new pathogens have taken a decade to be perfected and deployed
The article explains how the Ebola vaccine took at least 5 years before any trials, “even the Ebola vaccine, which was fast-tracked, took five years to reach widespread trials. If Barouch and his counterparts can offer a safe, effective concoction in a year, “it will be the fastest vaccine development in history,” he says. What is interesting is that the article itself admits that there has been several labs who created gene-based vaccines for other viruses in the past, but none have been “commercialized for a human illness.” Instead of using the traditional way of creating a vaccine, (although most vaccines still have many problems regardless of how safe Big Pharma claims they are) they went along with the new gene-based approach of creating a different kind of vaccine as they explain:
Scientists use information from the genome of the virus to create a blueprint of select antigens. The blueprint is made of DNA or RNA—molecules that hold genetic instructions. The researchers then inject the DNA or RNA into human cells. The cell’s machinery uses the instructions to make virus antigens that the immune system reacts to. Cells respond to the instructions as a normal part of their daily existence. This is the same trait infectious viruses exploit; they cannot reproduce on their own, so they use a cell’s machinery to make copies of themselves. They burst out of the cell and infect more cells, widening the infection
Labs were using three ways to deliver the artificial spike protein:
Virtually all the labs want to find a way to train human cells to make an antigen called the spike protein. It juts out from SARS-CoV-2 like a stud on a tire, allowing the virus to bind to a human cell and sneak inside. Almost all the labs are using one of three approaches to deliver the spike blueprint. The first is a DNA plasmid, typically a small, hoop-shaped molecule. A plasmid is a handy tool because if a virus mutates, researchers can readily swap in a new blueprint. DNA-plasmid vaccines have been made for veterinary uses in fishes, dogs, swine and horses, but human applications have lagged, mostly because the vaccines have had difficulty passing through a cell’s protective outer membrane to reach the machinery inside. One recent improvement is to inject the vaccine with an instrument that administers brief electrical charges to cells near the injection site, which open pores in the cell membranes so the vaccine can enter
The scientists use DNA-plasmid vaccines which are programmed to infuse the RNA with the genetic blueprint code within the cell machinery that produces what is called the spike antigens “but scientists can skip the plasmid step by embedding a blueprint in a strand of RNA—a second approach known as RNA vaccines.”
The next step is to “mobilize” the immune system to create antibodies.
“The RNA is carried in lipids that are injected into the body; lipids are fatty molecules that can pass easily into cells.”
Scientific American also mentioned Johnson and Johnson’s (J&J) approach by
“inserting the DNA blueprint into a common cold virus. When injected, this adenoviral vector, as it is called, infects human cells and delivers the blueprint it is carrying.”
The Children’s Health Defense commented on J&J’s rollout with their own experimental vaccine:
Rather than use the messenger RNA (mRNA) technology being deployed for the first time in the Pfizer and Moderna injections, J&J’s vaccine (made by the company’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals subsidiary) features a genetically engineered “viral vector” design reliant on a weakened common-cold virus called adenovirus 26.
Adenovirus vaccines have a lengthy history of use in the U.S. military, but the FDA’s emergency green light for J&J’s COVID injection represents the first time the agency has authorized an adenovirus-vectored vaccine for civilian use.
Despite the fact that the latest data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) under the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which does record deaths and injuries shows how dangerous these vaccines are.
It has been reported that since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines between December 14th, 2020 and February 8th, 2021 there were approximately 19,907 incidents that have been reported in terms of adverse events’ that includes 1,095 deaths and more than 3,767 serious injuries.
Right at the start of the vaccine rollout, there was already a handful of cases caused by Trump’s beautiful shot. In as early as December 10th, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine already had caused injuries, one of the injuries is called ‘Bell’s Palsy’ which is a case of temporary facial paralysis.
RT News published ‘4 volunteers develop FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid-19 jab, prompting FDA to recommend ‘surveillance for cases’ said that “Four trial participants who received the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine experienced facial paralysis, according to the Food and Drug Administration.
The FDA said the issue should be monitored as the jab becomes more widely available.” The report FDA Briefing Document titled ‘Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting’ on the outcome of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine:
Among non-serious unsolicited adverse events, there was a numerical imbalance of four cases of Bell’s palsy in the vaccine group compared with no cases in the placebo group, though the four cases in the vaccine group do not represent a frequency above that expected in the general population. Otherwise, there were no notable patterns or numerical imbalances between treatment groups for specific categories of non-serious adverse events (including other neurologic, neuroinflammatory, and thrombotic events) that would suggest a causal relationship to BNT162b2 vaccine
Shortly after, a registered nurse from Nashville, Tennessee by the name of Khalilah Mitchell got Bell’s Palsy after taking the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine:
Click here to watch the video.
The Associated Press (AP) Fact-Checking site published a rebuttal of Khalilah Mitchell’s claim but admitted several other people developed Bell’s palsy:
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The Tennessee Department of Health confirmed to The Associated Press that there is no record of a registered nurse under that name. Though four people in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial and three people in the Moderna trial who received vaccines reported Bell’s palsy, a disorder that causes paralysis on one side of the face and is temporary for most people, at this time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not established a link between the vaccines and the condition
At the start of the new year, a tragedy occurred in South Florida with the death of a beloved obstetrician, Dr. Gregory Michael. The Sun-Sentinel of South Florida reported on the death of Dr. Gregory Michael, a Miami-Beach obstetrician ‘A ‘healthy’ doctor died two weeks after getting a COVID-19 vaccine; CDC is investigating why’ said that “two weeks after getting a first dose of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, a 56-year-old doctor in South Florida died this week, possibly the nation’s first death linked to the vaccine.” the report said that health officials from Florida and the CDC are investigating if the vaccine had anything to do with his death although his family said that Dr. Michael was in good health.
On December 18th he received a Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and a few days later
“small spots began to appear on his feet and hands and he went to the emergency room at Mount Sinai where he has worked in private practice for 15 years.”
One of the after-effects was a low blood count. The report said that “experts from all over the country were involved in his care” according to his wife Heidi Neckelmann. Dr. Michael had a stroke and died before he was to undergo “a last resort surgery.”
On January 15TH more than 10 people had died in Germany due to the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine according to the Paul Ehrlich Institute who was investigating the incident. Yahoo News originally published the report from Asia News International (ANI) and Sputnik:
Specialists from Germany’s Paul Ehrlich Institute are looking into the deaths of 10 people who passed away soon after having been inoculated against the novel coronavirus disease, Brigitte Keller-Stanislawski, the head of the institute’s department of the safety of medicinal products and medical devices, said on Thursday. According to the medical expert, the deceased were aged from 79 to 93, all with antecedent diseases. The time between vaccination and death ranged from several hours to four days.
“Until yesterday we had nine cases; we have to wait for the data from Lower Saxony [about another alleged case], then there will be 10. We are talking about patients in extremely grave condition, with multiple diseases, who were receiving palliative treatment. I have already said that we are studying these cases … Based on our current data we assume they died from their main diseases, coinciding in time with the vaccination,” Keller-Stanislawski said at a press conference
It was reported that Pfizer (US) and BioNTech (Germany) had 842,000 people in line for the vaccine with the elderly and the staff at nursing homes being the first people to be vaccinated. However, it came with a heavy price with the rushed vaccine:
The institute also reported six anaphylaxis cases. So far, there have been 325 cases of side-effects allegedly related to the vaccine, including 51 severe ones. Keller-Stanislawski stated that those results are within expectations and correspond to the US vaccination statistics
On January 16TH, The Jerusalem Post ’13 Israelis suffer facial paralysis after corona virus vaccine – report’ originally from a Ynet News source based in Israel reported the following:
Some 13 people have experienced mild facial paralysis as a side effect after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, the Health Ministry reported, and estimates are that the number of cases could be higher. Health officials have raised questions about whether or not to administer the second dose to these individuals, but the Health Ministry is recommending that the second dose be given
One person described his ordeal after the vaccine “For at least 28 hours I walked around with it [facial paralysis],” one person who had the side effect told Ynet. “I can’t say it was completely gone afterwards, but other than that I had no other pains, except a minor pain where the injection was, but there was nothing beyond that.” Another reaction was described by a medical director who met someone that was vaccinated and ended up with paralysis:
I recently came across, for example, someone vaccinated who was dealing with paralysis, and decided not to give her a second dose,” Prof. Galia Rahav, director of the Infectious Diseases Unit at Sheba Medical Center told Ynet. “It is true that it can be given according to the Health Ministry, but I did not feel comfortable with it
The following day, Dr. Erica S. Pan who is based in Sacramento, California said that“a higher-than-usual number of possible allergic reactions were reported with a specific lot of Moderna vaccine administered at one community vaccination clinic. Fewer than 10 individuals required medical attention over the span of 24 hours.”
On January 18th, following the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination campaign in Norway, 33 people who were over the age of 75 years-old had died. According to Bloomberg News “In Norway, 33 people aged 75 and over died following immunization, according to the agency’s latest figures. All were already seriously ill, it said.”
Norway has vaccinated more than 48,000 people in nursing homes. “The reported fatalities are well under 1 out of 1,000 nursing-home patients to be vaccinated, he said. The side effects of immunization can, in some cases, “tip the patients into a more serious course of the underlying disease,” Madsen said. “We can’t rule that out.” In a January 15th report from Bloomberg News ‘Norway Warns of Vaccination Risks for Sick Patients Over 80′ said the following:
Norway said Covid-19 vaccines may be too risky for the very old and terminally ill, the most cautious statement yet from a European health authority as countries assess the real-world side effects of the first shots to gain approval.
Norwegian officials said 23 people had died in the country a short time after receiving their first dose of the vaccine. Of those deaths, 13 have been autopsied, with the results suggesting that common side effects may have contributed to severe reactions in frail, elderly people, according to the Norwegian Medicines Agency
These are just a few examples of what happened with the release of various Covid-19 vaccines right from the start. This is just the beginning.
No one knows what the long-term effects will be but from what the early reports are showing, the Covid-19 experimental vaccines will unfortunately kill or injure many more people in the foreseeable future. Trump’s “beautiful shot” will be part of his legacy, one that will remember him as the propagandist who sold himself to Big Pharma and the deep state, the same entities he supposedly tried to remove from power.
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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Featured image is from Silent Crow News
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