Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Great Reset

The ‘Great Reset’ Looms Large in Biden/Harris Administration – Somewhat Reasonable

Alex Newman, senior editor of The New American and author of the new book Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the scenes, begins his article in the January 4, 2021 issue of The New AmericanThe Great Reset: Deep State globalists taking over the world and you!, with the following words:

“In the not-to-distant future, you will own absolutely nothing, but you will like it and be happy,” according to the totalitarians and Deep State globalists pushing what they call the ‘Great Reset.’  You will also have no privacy, they say.  Everything will change. And yet, somehow, the advocates of this communistic-feudalistic vision of the future–the World Economic Forum (WEF), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the British Royal family, and more — have decreed that ‘you’ll be happy.’”

Other Newman comments:

“World Economic Forum Chief Klaus Schwab is the primary front man for the Deep State’s “Great Reset” dream of global feudalism to take away ownership and place in the hands of a world government.”

“United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who led the Socialist International before taking over the UN, is a key booster of the Great Reset.

Klaus Schwab’s June 3, 2020 remarks

“There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19. Having already led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, the pandemic represents one of the worst public-health crises in recent history. And, with casualties still mounting in many parts of the world, it is far from over.”
“This will have serious long-term consequences for economic growth, public debt, employment, and human well-being. According to the Financial Times, global government debt has already reached its highest level in peacetime. Moreover, unemployment is skyrocketing in many countries: in the US, for example, one in four workers have filed for unemployment since mid-March, with new weekly claims far above historic highs. The International Monetary Fund expects the world economy to shrink by 3% this year – a downgrade of 6.3 percentage points in just four months.”
“All of this will exacerbate the climate and social crises that were already underway. Some countries have already used the COVID-19 crisis as an excuse to weaken environmental protections and enforcement. And frustrations over social ills like rising inequality – US billionaires’ combined wealth has increased during the crisis – are intensifying.”

1. Steer the market toward fairer outcomes. To this end, governments should improve coordination (for example, in tax, regulatory, and fiscal policy), upgrade trade arrangements, and create the conditions for a “stakeholder economy.” At a time of diminishing tax bases and soaring public debt, governments have a powerful incentive to pursue such action.  Moreover, governments should implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes. Depending on the country, these may include changes to wealth taxes, the withdrawal of fossil-fuel subsidies and new rules governing intellectual property, trade and competition

2. Ensure that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability. Here, the large-scale spending programs that many governments are implementing represent a major opportunity for progress. The European Commission, for one, has unveiled plans for a €750 billion ($826 billion) recovery fund. The US, China, and Japan also have ambitious economic-stimulus plans. Rather than using these funds, as well as investments from private entities and pension funds, to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means, for example, building “green” urban infrastructure and creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.

3. Harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges. During the COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and deliver telemedicine. Imagine what could be possible if similar concerted efforts were made in every sector.”

“Left unaddressed, these crises, together with COVID-19, will deepen and leave the world even less sustainable, less equal, and more fragile. Incremental measures and ad hoc fixes will not suffice to prevent this scenario. We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems.”

Putin and Merkel express unity at Davos Agenda 2021 meeting

In a telephone conversation held during the Davos Agenda 2021 online forum, Putin and Merkel agreed that the United States understands that it cannot stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project with its sanctions. The EU understands its significance that this project is crucial for Germany since the low cost of Russian gas increases the efficiency of German industry.
What’s most interesting about their exchange was about their respective positions articulated at the World Economic Forum [WEF] — where Merkel said the pandemic is the “disaster of the century” and lays bare “the weaknesses of our societies,” and Putin warned: “Needless to say, there are no direct parallels in history…”

A tangled web

Putin and Merkel also discussed at length “The Great Reset” [GR] agenda put forth by the socialist-globalist faction at the World Economic Forum.  Transcript notes Merkel said: “ Prince Charles lost another one…”— Putin: “ That makes two…”— Merkel: “ The first was his favorite you know…”— Putin: “ Yes, I have been informed…”— Merkel: “ This is not a coincidence…”—Putin: “ We know too…

“It is notable that two of Prince Charles staunchest socialist-globalist allies for this agenda were Britain’s richest man Sir Richard Sutton and Petr Kellner the wealthiest man in the Czech Republic.  Prince Charles saw Kellner as a young global leader of the WEF.”

The mysterious deaths have now been joined by the news that the father of Prince Charles, Prince Phillip (the husband of Queen Elizabeth II) died in hospital at the age of 99. (Note: Speculation that Queen Elizabeth will abdicate the throne elevating Charles to be king.)

Prince Philip’s death, however, doesn’t impact the line of succession since Prince Philip was never going to take the throne.  After the queen dies or steps down, Prince Charles is next to the throne, then Prince William.

Biden Administration ushers in Great Reset

Debra Heine’s article of January 30, 2021, Biden Regime Embraces Great Reset Plan to Destroy Capitalism[and replace it with a socialist system], notes that the “The Great Reset,” a totalitarian project of economic and social engineering, appears to be high on the Biden administration’s agenda.”

Ms. Heine goes on to describe how Joe Biden in one week “signed over 30 executive actions, a far-left wish list dealing with race issues, the Covid-19 pandemic, illegal immigration, gender identity, and the climate.  The coronavirus pandemic and global warming were used as pretexts to impose far-left social programs like government-provided basic income, the Green New Deal, universal healthcare, and of course, massive tax increases.”

As World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab wrote back in June of 2020:  “The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

The Biden regime is fully embracing a radical globalist plan that seeks to destroy capitalism and replace it with a socialist system.

Can the Great Reset be stopped?  Not likely.  Americans living today, and future generations of Americans, will have to live with the choice made, either fairly or unfairly, to elect Joe Biden as president and Commander in Chief, who has shown himself to be a puppet of the Deep State to instigate Socialist/Communist policies as called for in the Great Reset.

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Heartland Institute can be found here ***