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German cabinet eases ‘Covid-19’ lockdown measures for those who’ve had their ‘vaccine’ when the ‘vaccine’ is not claimed to stop infection or transmission. Go figure. Okay, I’ve figured – they’re lying (again) and it’s just a ruse to get more people to have their genetics transformed

Germany’s justice minister has announced that the government has signed off on a roadmap out of lockdown for citizens who’ve either been fully vaccinated or have recently recovered from the virus.

Minister Christine Lambrecht said the cabinet had agreed that those who had protection from the virus no longer needed to be subjected to the strict restrictions put in place to prevent a spike in infections. 

“If the risk of virus transmission is greatly reduced in fully vaccinated and recovered people, this must be taken into account in the measures,” the minister explained in a statement.

The decision will now head to the country’s parliament, where it must be passed by both houses. The changes are expected to come into effect within the week.

If the motion is approved by members of parliament, as anticipated, individuals who’ve been vaccinated or have recovered from the virus won’t be required to have a negative Covid-19 test result before they can take part in certain coronavirus-restricted activities, such as shopping or getting a haircut, and won’t have to observe the current curfew. However, all citizens will still be asked to follow social distancing measures, including wearing masks and maintaining space between themselves and others to further reduce transmission risk.

Read More: German cabinet eases Covid-19 lockdown measures for those who’ve had their vaccine

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from David Icke can be found here ***