Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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What is causing COVID-19 deaths to spike in India?

There has been much news coverage of the rising COVID-19 deaths in India.  Our World in Data reports  as of May 9th, the seven-day average daily deaths in India had reached 3,829.   This is an alarming number, but India has a population of 1.4 billion people.  Thus, when the numbers are adjusted relative to population as in the following chart, India’s deaths per million is only slightly ahead of recent low in the U.S.

Notice that Brazil was included due to its similar late surge in deaths.   The MSM has reported little about the COVID problems in Brazil compared to India.  India’s sustained low death rate for most of the pandemic was most likely because they authorized the widespread use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) at the onset; both as a prophylactic and for when symptoms first develop.  Of course, India has a major advantage since it produces nearly three-quarters of the world’s supply of HCQ.   Neither the U.S. nor Brazil allowed comparable widespread use of HCQ.  

With HCQ still widely available in India, something else must have changed to bring about the recent spike in deaths.  Did they become complacent and cease prescribing HCQ?  It was recently reported that in addition to HCQ, India started distributing a new home COVID Kit costing about $2.65 per person.  It includes Zinc, Doxycycline, and Ivermectin.  Was distribution of their new kit delayed, produced in insufficient quantity or is the kit less effective?   These remain open questions. 

The next chart adds death trends for the European Union (EU) and United Kingdom (UK), both of which are known to have restricted HCQ.  South Korea was added as a known early and widespread user of HCQ.  This comparison should help demonstrate that widespread HCQ use made a difference. 

Note that although the UK and EU had similarly harsh mask and lockdown policies, the results are far apart.  The UK appears to have reached herd immunity whereas the EU is doing far worse than the U.S.  It should also be noted that U.S. may count COVID-19 deaths differently.  The CDC changed the rules in March 24, 2020 without using proper procedures or peer review.   This unique new system elevates COVID as the primary cause regardless of other medical issues likely to have been counted previously as the primary cause of death.  Had the old rules still applied, U.S. COVID deaths would possibly have been around 94% lower.  The Brit’s now tiny numbers indicate their pandemic is finished.  Ours could have been comparable using the old reporting rules.  Florida and Texas apparently figured that out. 

What about the vaccine’s contribution?  The following chart compares the share of each population that is fully vaccinated.   The U.S. and UK lead while the EU, Brazil, India and South Korea trail behind.  Interestingly, South Korea has the fewest vaccinated, but lowest deaths.  Perhaps their HCQ protocol worked better.  However, it is likely more vaccinations would have helped India and Brazil. 


The available statistical data provided no conclusive cause for India’s recent surge in deaths.  However, it did raise other questions and a serious concern about Brazil.  The next chart makes that clear.   It portrays the total cumulative deaths for these same six countries.  (Note: a cumulative total may flatten, but can never go down).   Brazil with its population of 214 million comes in at number three while India with a population 6.5 times larger reports fewer total deaths. 

   Chart 4 here

Although the cause of the recent surge in deaths in India remains elusive, the data did open another question whether the high COVID death rates could have been significantly reduced had other countries followed India and South Korea’s early treatment protocols using HCQ.   It was known by mid-April 2020 that inflammation is the primary cause of COVID deaths (usually as pneumonia) and that HCQ and several common corticosteroids have anti-inflammatory properties proven to calm the sepsis like cytokine storm overreaction of the body’s auto-immune system that causes the potentially deadly inflammation.  However, to be effective, HCQ and other anti-inflammatories must be administered well before symptoms reach a level requiring hospitalization.   

This finding reinforces why an early treatment protocol is essential.  However, my own doctor confirms there is no early treatment approved to treat COVID-19 in the U.S. (and probably most western countries) except quarantine with instructions to go to the hospital when symptoms worsen.  This (perhaps criminal) omission is one more reason deaths got so high.  

A new anti-viral drug called Molupiravir is nearing completion of clinical trials.  It is intended as a five-day outpatient treatment similar to Tamiflu commonly prescribed to combat the effects of influenza.  It would lack the unwarranted controversy surrounding the off-label use of HCQ making it ideal for an early treatment protocol.    

Until the CDC authorizes an early treatment protocol, we are on our own.  However, there are several inexpensive, safe, common vitamins/drugs proven effective against COVID-19 that are available over the counter.  Examples include vitamin D3 ZincGlutathioneQuercetin, and even low-dose aspirin. There are others, and with some research you can be your own first responder. 

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from American Thinker can be found here ***