CDC given $1 billion to push covid vaccine propaganda, funded by the very same taxpayers being damaged by vaccine adverse events

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) is warning America that Congress just awarded $1 billion to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to push more pro-covid “vaccine” propaganda on social media and in entertainment.
In a tweet, Rep. Massie asked the question, To whom is that money flowing? The answer is that it is going straight to social media “influencers,” Hollywood script writers, celebrities and other subverters of society to churn out endless indoctrination about the “safety” and “effectiveness” of Chinese Virus injections.
There is, of course, no proof whatsoever that the jabs do anything other than cause blood clots, infertility and in some people, immediate death. China Joe and his cohort, however, want you to believe that these Big Pharma injections are “lifesaving medicine.”
You see, the “pandemic” is so serious and deadly that the government is having to spend gobs of taxpayer dollars to market the “cure” that tens of millions of smart Americans realize is bogus, hence why they are refusing to get it. Beijing Biden thinks with enough manipulation that he can somehow change people’s minds.
Why isn’t money being spent to promote natural remedies?
The CDC is a private corporation, by the way, which means your tax dollars are once again being funneled to corporate billionaires who will devise new ways to try to trick you into poisoning yourself via injection.
There is no legitimate reason why the CDC should even exist at all, let alone receive $1 billion from the federal overlords to do with as they wish. In the coming days, you can expect to be bombarded with more pro-vaccine propaganda from “famous” people who think their status gives them some kind of credibility.
To America’s idol-worshipers who do whatever their influencers of choice tell them to do, these messages will probably be compelling. To everyone else, it will be obvious that the government is once again trying to pull a fast one on We the People using our money to do it.
The entire medical system, it turns out, is completely rotted through to the point that nothing the “authorities” say or do anymore holds weight. If the CDC says to do it, you probably should not do it. And if someone famous is parroting what the CDC is saying, they, too, should be ignored.
It is also important to remember that influencers are probably being paid to not mention safe alternatives to Chinese Virus injections like zinc and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), both of which can easily thwart a coronavirus infection without the need for DNA-altering drugs.
“Try to find an American institution that is not corrupt,” writes Paul Craig Roberts for
“Even when presented with the Covid threat, the U.S. public health system could not rise above the greed for profit. Effective cures, such as HCQ and Ivermectin were demonized and in many states prohibited. Most Covid deaths are the result of non-treatment.”
All throughout the “pandemic,” it turns out, the CDC, the FDA, and many other agencies and bureaucracies have been working against the best interests of Americans by pushing only masks and vaccines, as if these are the only effective remedies against Chinese Germs.
“Throughout the alleged ‘Covid Pandemic’ regulatory agencies, health bureaucracies, medical associations, state governors, media, and Big Pharma have acted to prevent any alternative to a vaccine,” Roberts adds.
“From day one the emphasis was on the profits from a vaccine. To get people to submit to an experimental and untested vaccine required the absence of cures. To keep the road open only for a vaccine even supplements such as NAC, which has shown effectiveness as both preventative and treatment of Covid, has been challenged by the FDA in its use as a supplement.”
More related news about the Chinese Virus can be found at
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