Nearly 1,000 EXPIRED Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines stabbed into the arms of now-altered humans at NYC Times Square “event”

That’s right folks, step right up to the biggest circus in the world, and be amazed by the magical, mythical virus killer, so let’s get a big round of applause for… New York City “Vaccine Command Center” (endless applause ensues).
Close to 900 sheeple lined up at Times Square to “experience” an event that featured administered doses of EXPIRED inoculations that are already causing blood clots around the world. The clowns in charge of keeping Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccines frozen kept them frozen so long they apparently froze to death, and no longer work (as if they work anyway).
This is all confirmed, by the way, by the New York City Health Department, a side show to the ultimate vaccine circus (think Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey). It’s all one big genetic freak show where the audience (patients) don’t yet realize that they are the drugged-up animals.
Wait ma’am, sir, we gave you an EXPIRED Covid-19 vaccine, come back as soon as possible for another one, before we see what happens from the first
Yes, and now all of the victims (patients) have been told to immediately return for their replacement shot. Wait, what? The leaders of the circus, standing in the center circle at the NYC Health Department, are so well-versed with vaccines, vaccine side effects and vaccine dangers, that they just advised about 900 people to get shot up with the same gene-altering jab, but one that hasn’t been in the freezer so long, “…schedule another vaccination session as soon as possible.” Oh, sure. Great idea – double up on that blood-clot-creating secret recipe – mRNA!
“We have communicated with Pfizer,” says the other ring leader. It’s all smoke and mirrors because the vaccines don’t prevent Covid-19, but rather force-instruct your cells to produce mass amounts of “proteins” and prions that clog blood vessels in the brain and lungs, just for starters.
Covid-19 vaccines are defective no matter how long you freeze them
It’s a media circus out there pushing this vaccine propaganda like never before. Where is the NYC Health Department getting their advice? Pfizer? Fauci? First we were all told masks are worthless, then we were all forced to wear them. First we were told DON’T get the Covid-19 vaccines because Trump was rushing them to market via his “Warp Speed” program, but then we’re all told to get the full doses now even though they are all “approved” by “Emergency Use Authorization” only, which denotes them as a “Medical Experiment,” according to the CDC and the FDA. You can’t make this stuff up.
Patients (victims) of the defective, expired, freezer-burned, blood-clot-causing Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines have been hounded to return for another via emails, phone calls and letters sent out by city health department officials.
Don’t let any of these sheeple get away – is the message from the top, the heads of the vaccine industrial complex, that’s pushing free pot, cannabis, beer, liquor, lottery tickets and front row seats to major sporting events for anyone who’s “vaccine hesitant” (meaning they don’t want to die from the jabs themselves).
The “NFL Experience” at Times Square turns out to be a disaster piled upon a disaster
“Vaccine Command Center” sounds like Darth Vader is running it and it’s a military operation to deliver forced-injection. Beware of the Draconian “Dark Side of the Force.” Why are we all being coerced into getting jabbed for a virus that only kills people who are already deathly ill? You do know that cancer and heart disease are preventable, don’t you? You don’t have to go to Times Square twice to get jabbed with gene-altering drugs and a genetically-mutated, lab-created virus that your body has and will now be mimicking, forever (think prions and proteins here).
Visit if you already got a toxic Covid jab or two, including mRNA or “viral vector,” and you are experiencing side effects, blood clots or other adverse events. Then tune your internet frequency to for updates on these crimes against humanity being delivered under the guise of inoculation.
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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***