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2020 Election

After Arizona Audit, Is Pennsylvania Next? State Sen. Reportedly Begins Push For Privately Funded Election Probe


Pennsylvania Republican senators could launch a privately funded audit of the state’s election results similar to the controversial partisan recount taking place in Maricopa County, Arizona, as the Associated Press reports a leading state senator is taking steps to start a Pennsylvania investigation after visiting the Arizona audit.

Key Facts

Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano, a Republican who chairs the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee and is a potential future gubernatorial candidate, was one of three Pennsylvania lawmakers to visit the Arizona audit in June and has said he wants Pennsylvania to hold its own “forensic audit” of the state’s results.

The AP reports Mastriano briefed Republican state senators on Wednesday on his plan for an audit in the state and has asked a law firm whether a privately funded “oversight investigation” akin to the Arizona audit would be permissible under state law.

The law firm wrote in its response to Mastriano Tuesday that “Pennsylvania law does not prohibit” state lawmakers from “accepting or receiving” private funds for such an investigation, according to a copy of the letter viewed by the AP.

The aim of the Pennsylvania audit would be to “develop legislation which will enhance voter participation and election integrity,” according to the law firm’s letter.

Former President Donald Trump has publicly pressured the state Senate’s GOP leadership to launch an audit, and several other state senators have signaled their openness to an investigation.

Pennsylvania Republicans had tried to force a measure into the state’s budget that would have helped facilitate an election audit by allocating money to establishing a Bureau of Election Audits, but Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed that provision on Wednesday.

What To Watch For

The Arizona Senate launched its partisan audit by issuing subpoenas to take possession of ballots and voting machines, which they then turned over to private companies running the audit. Pennsylvania senators could take a similar approach, rather than passing legislation that would have to go through the Pennsylvania House and Wolf. Senate Minority Leader Jay Costa, a Democrat, told the AP Senate Democrats could challenge subpoenas in both the state Senate and in court, however, and it’s unclear whether Mastriano could issue subpoenas through the committee he chairs, as it’s typically a different committee that handles elections.

Chief Critics

The Pennsylvania audit push has been criticized by state officials on both sides of the aisle. Democrats like Wolf and Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro have slammed the potential audit as well as Republicans like Philadelphia City Commissioner Al Schmidt, who said on CNN it would be “reckless” for Pennsylvania to launch a similar probe to Arizona. “I don’t know why you would want to repeat what’s going on in Arizona anyplace across the country,” Schmidt said, criticizing the Arizona probe as being carried out with a “partisan political agenda.” Pennsylvania state Rep. Seth Grove, a Republican who leads the state House committee overseeing elections, has ruled out the Pennsylvania House of Representatives pushing for an audit, saying in June the House “will not be authorizing any further audits on any previous election.”

Surprising Fact

The Pennsylvania government has already completed a risk-limiting audit of the state’s election results, which affirmed President Joe Biden received more votes than Trump. 

Key Background

The Arizona audit, which first began in April, has raised significant concerns for such issues as a lack of transparency, privacy concerns, questions about how it’s being funded and the fact it’s being run by Cyber Ninjas, a private firm whose CEO has no elections experience and has spread conspiracy theories about election fraud. The Justice Department has also suggested the audit may violate federal law by taking ballots out of election officials’ possession. The recount of more than two million ballots will not affect the vote count or pose any risk to Biden’s win in the state, but critics fear the probe will undermine public trust in the election results and democratic process. While polling has shown most Arizonans are not in favor of the audit, the Arizona recount has nevertheless spurred a new wave of interest from lawmakers nationwide in launching their own investigations. Legislators from numerous states visited Arizona to witness the audit taking place and Wisconsin Republicans have also launched an investigation into their election. In addition to Pennsylvania, efforts to start up new audits have also moved forward in other states like Georgia and Michigan.


While Mastriano and other Republican lawmakers across the country have pushed for “forensic audits” into the election results, election experts have said such an investigation would not actually be possible. Forensic investigations have typically referred to investigations tracing crimes back to individual transactions or people, Georgia Public Broadcasting notes, which is impossible with elections where ballots are secret and not tied to people’s identities. “A lot of the election-deniers have been falling back on this term ‘forensic audit.’ I think it’s a really good question to ask them, ‘Tell me exactly what a forensic audit means from your perspective,’ because this term doesn’t actually have meaning as most of these folks are using it,” David Becker, executive director and founder of the Center for Election Innovation and Research, said during a media briefing this week.

Further Reading

Trump ally in Pennsylvania raises 2020 election audit plan (Associated Press)

Pennsylvania GOP leaders face growing pressure to pursue an Arizona-style 2020 election ‘audit’ (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Pennsylvania Governor Vetoes Voting Restrictions—But GOP Could Still Pass Voter ID Rule Anyway (Forbes)

GOP Pushing For Arizona-Style Election Audits To Spread Nationwide — But State Officials Already Keep Finding ‘No Evidence’ Of Fraud (Forbes)

Wisconsin Republican Hires Ex-Cops To Investigate Election As Arizona Audit Sparks New Probes Nationwide (Forbes)

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Forbes can be found here ***