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Great Reset

IMF reserve spending a plan to collapse US dollar

The Chinese Communist Party has been buying silver by the truck load for a number of years. In so doing, it was presumed that the motive was to replace the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Now, the International Monetary Fund has a plan to flood the world’s economy with as much as $650 billion. This will collapse the American economic system.

So who is behind this? The Chinese Communist Party, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the British Monarchy, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and several others. These facts were reported by the Epoch Times. The article and its implications is quite lengthy and I cannot quote the entire article, but this will give you the ability to locate it and read it for yourself.

The article states that the CCP will be the prime beneficiary of this move and that the primary purpose is to usher in the Great Reset, which is the transformation of the U.S. capitalist economic system.

If we don’t take control of our country and do it soon, it may become too late. When Joe Biden was questioned about the presidential race in 2024, he commented that the Republican Party might not exist at that time.

It is up to us who love this country to stand up and fight to save it from the Marxists who are in charge of it, before the opportunity is lost.


Elizabeth City

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Daily Advance can be found here ***