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Opinion: Shark Tank billionaire Mark Cuban shilling for dirty vaccine industry by bribing NFL player with Pfizer stock to promote Covid jabs

Image: Opinion: Shark Tank billionaire Mark Cuban shilling for dirty vaccine industry by bribing NFL player with Pfizer stock to promote Covid jabs

In 1970, the U.S. government enacted a federal law called the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, also known as RICO, to combat organized crime by targeting “ongoing” criminal enterprises. This included prosecution of businesses that were committing illegal acts involving dealing controlled substances, listed chemicals, extortion and terrorism. Now that we’re within a month of the start of the NFL, we are seeing the vaccine industry partnered with the NFL, committing illegal acts, repeatedly, to coerce, extort and all but force-vaccinate healthy professional football players with chemical-laden, unsafe and untested “medical experiment” inoculations, and it’s nothing short of medical terrorism.

For healthy people, the blood-clotting, heart inflaming Covid vaccines are much more of a risk of death than Covid-19 or any of its variants. That’s why it’s a criminal act to coerce people into taking them, and it’s an act of terror because those dirty vaccines are killing thousands of people and injuring hundreds of thousands, for no scientifically-backed good reason.

The NFL is making life hell for unvaccinated players, with restrictions that have major impact on health, income and liberty rights. Unvaccinated players cannot leave the hotel to eat anywhere or interact with any person not on the team during travel. They have limited time in the exercise and weight room facilities. That’s not all. They must test for Covid-19 daily, even though most of the PCR tests return false-positives regularly. Zero sponsorship activities are allowed via social media for unvaccinated players. None. That’s the squeeze play, the coercion part. Now we get to the criminal racket of pushing dirty gene therapy vaccines for massive profit.

In comes the billionaire, Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, shilling for the insidious RICO-guilty vaccine industrial complex

Buffalo Bills star receiver Cole Beasley was quoted saying, “I’d rather die actually living” than risk getting the Covid vaccine, so now the vaccine industry is sending in a famous billionaire to bribe Beasley into getting jabbed, while he’s being squeezed (to death) on the other end – having no social life, limited income and total loss of liberty to function, as a professional athlete needs in order to stay conditioned and healthy.

Beasley had done the “unthinkable” and told the world that he would rather “take my chances with Covid and build up my immunity that way. Eat better. Drink water. Exercise and do what I think is necessary to be a healthy individual.” Time to send in Mark Cuban, the vaccine shill, with some Pfizer stock in trade for Beasley getting the deadliest jab ever created. Got to shut this guy up before “vaccine hesitant” Americans start figuring it all out.

NFL joins with vaccine industry and Mark Cuban to bribe and coerce mouthy NFL player into getting deadly Covid inoculation and then promote it

You see, the NFL, NBA and MLB are all part of the BLM, Antifa, Communist aggression in America, so no players can just avoid vaccination (life termination inoculations) and then brag about why nobody really needs them, and get away with it. The vaccine industry and the NFL want revenge (they want Beasley dead or dying), and it’s all part of their RICO case, as they plunge further into crime and vaccine-induced biological terrorism by pressuring Cole Beasley. Mark Cuban is now on the record bribing Cole Beasley with Pfizer stock, yes the deadly vaccine maker, if he’ll agree to have every system in his body corrupted by the dirty Pfizer Covid jab.

It all started because Cole Beasley aired out the truth about Covid, by stating that people who exercise and eat clean don’t have to worry about it. Then he made a sarcastic comment in response to a “ProFootballTalk” tweet, saying, “I’ll get vaccinated and be an advocate for it if Pfizer puts a percentage of its earnings from the vaccine in my wife’s name.”

This is like serial killers coercing famous people to become serial killers themselves by pushing toxic medicine for stock in the companies that make it.

Beasley went on to say other intelligent things that point out the absolute hypocrisy of the Covid rules, regulations and protocols. He tweeted “This is crazy. Did we vote on this?” … “I stay in the hotel. We still have meetings. We will all be together. Vaccinated players can go out the hotel and bring Covid back in to where I am. So what does it matter if I stay in the hotel now? 100 percent immune with vaccination? No.”

As a pro sports player, it’s almost impossible to avoid the deadly Covid jabs. For example, the NFL forces all players to either prove their religion forbids vaccines or prove they have already had a deadly reaction to vaccines, and specifically Covid jabs (which no medical doctor is ever allowed to provide), otherwise you’re fired from the NFL. Contract over. Done. Goodbye.

Other unvaccinated NFL players have stated that it’s everyone’s choice whether they want to get vaccinated or not, but Mark Cuban doesn’t care about all that. Cuban is offering Pfizer’s 3.5% dividend-paying stock for former Dallas Cowboy, Mr. Beasley, should he get the jab AND promote it on all the social media platforms that are all banning him (in tandem with the NFL), for simply not getting vaccinated.

See the crime? It’s clear as day. And if Beasley should comply with the bribes and coercion, he will be also guilty of coercing his fans and followers into getting the deadly jabs. It’s all American Mafia 101, and all those “playing” should be found guilty of racketeering in the most insidious way, by pushing dirty vaccines.

Here’s Mark the “Vax Shill” Cuban coercing Cole: “I’ll tell you what Cole. You get vaccinated and promote vaccination on all your social, I’ll buy your wife a share of Pfizer stock. It pays a 3.78% dividend. That way she is getting a percentage of Pfizer’s earnings. Deal?”

The more the vaccine industry, its shilling billionaires, and NFL players push the dirty Pfizer jab, the more they profit from the stock, and the kingpin is Mark Cuban. It’s a RICO case to be tried there, for criminal racketeering and fraud. Remember back in the 1990s, it used to be they couldn’t even advertise prescription drugs, but now they can push dirty vaccines all over the internet?

Now, if for some reason, you already got jabbed with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and you are suffering from CoVax Syndrome, then report it to VAERS. Also, check out for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming vaccine holocaust.

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***