Your View: Letters to the Editor, 7/25 – Utica Observer Dispatch

Resources available to lower cancer risk at no cost
Thank you for publishing the article “Experts: Obesity puts more Americans at risk for cancer” by Ken Alltucker (O-D, July 9). The article was full of important information highlighting the findings of the annual American Cancer Society report. I would like to make the community aware of resources available to them that offer ways to lower cancer risk and screen for cancer at no cost.
There are virtual nutrition and exercise programs available that address the issue of cancer risk and body weight, including the Promote Health. Prevent Cancer. initiative. This program provides a free and virtual eight-week class that teaches participants about nutrition and includes instruction for at-home exercises. To register, email or call 315-401-1945.
The Cancer Services Program (CSP) offers no cost cancer screenings to uninsured New York residents. Eligible women ages 40 and older can receive breast and cervical cancer screenings at a local health care provider’s office. Men and women ages 50 and older may receive a take-home kit for colorectal cancer screening. Eligibility may change depending on family or personal history, current symptoms or certain conditions. In addition, the CSP provides information and education to the community about the importance of cancer screenings. For more information, visit or call 1-888-345-0225.
Rebecca Hess,
Public Education and Community Outreach Specialist
Cancer Services Program of the Central Region, Utica
Thanks to the men in blue
Thank you Sal Barbero for your letter to the editor on July 18 regarding the Whitesboro-New Hartford Little league game; our kids would not be able to play without you guys. A special thanks to all of the Mohawk Valley Umpires who dedicate their time to officiating all of our games from legion down to little league. These men in blue take a lot of harassment from unappreciative fans for little pay, little credit and little gratitude. Thank you guys for allowing our kids the opportunity to play baseball.
A suggestion to the unruly fans who give these guys are hard time: take it easy — it’s only a game and there aren’t many umpires left. It’s obvious that Sal and John have a love for the sport and for the kids; not only do they officiate but they interact in a positive manner and help teach the kids.
A special thanks to John Nehme for accompanying our Naturals 12u travel team to All Star Village next week; he is dedicating a week of his summer for our program.
You guys are top-notch and we thank you!
Mike Nofri,
Our democracy is in grave danger
I believe comparing the aftermath of the recent election with that of 2000 reveals our democracy’s perilous state.
The 2020 election was a landslide compared with 2000, which hinged entirely on a mere 537 Florida votes. For the first time the Supreme Court, with seven out of nine Republican appointed conservatives, decided a presidential election. By a narrow 5-4 decision to stop vote recounting, Bush became president. Putting country above party, Democrats accepted that decision and moved on – without promoting unfounded claims of election fraud.
The current conservative Supreme Court refused for some time to even hear Trump’s claims of election fraud. Trump’s big lie produced a first-ever insurrection that breached the temple of our democracy. We’ve witnessed the mob’s destruction and vulgarity.
Less visible are restrictive state laws, over 20 passed and countless others introduced, to suppress minority votes. Even more damaging, recently passed state laws enable legislatures to overturn election results by replacing election officials with compliant cronies.
Clearly, our democracy is in grave danger. Republican-elected officials — Rep. Tenney included — don’t seem to care, having blocked both investigations of the insurrection and fair and accessible election legislation.
Richard Meili,
*** This article has been archived for your research. Find the original article here ***