July 27, 2021

Last week, big media was salivating over the COVID Delta variant and recommendations for indoor masking, even for the vaccinated, masking young children, and the possibility of a return to last year, with social distancing, capacity limits, and business closures.

There were also news stories that the media dutifully ignored, like ongoing election audits, Hunter Biden’s laptop, his father’s growing inability to think and speak coherently, and growing inflation and unemployment.

Also somehow missed by the investigative sleuths at CNN and MSNBC was the recall of a COVID rapid antigen test last month. This wasn’t just any recall but according to the FDA a serious one, “The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Use of these devices may cause serious injuries or death.” That’s an understatement.

Specifically, this is the Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test using a nasal swab and test strip, with a colored line appearing if the person has the Chinese coronavirus. None of these tests are FDA-approved, only being used under emergency use authorization, like the COVID vaccines.

Who used these tests? According to the FDA, these were used by health care providers and large testing programs such as on college campuses. The faulty test provided both false-negative and false-positive results, each problematic but in different ways.

This test was introduced in February 2020, when COVID was barely a blip on the radar. This was the same time as when Dr. Anthony Fauci was becoming a media celebrity and told a USA Today reporter at the time, “The risk of coronavirus in USA is ‘minuscule’; skip mask and wash hands.” Why would such a test even be developed for this Fauci predicted non-event? Unless more was known or planned than Dr. Fauci admitted at the time.

YouTube screen grab