August 2, 2021

We are a year and half into the world’s nightmare of COVID-19, also known as the Chinese coronavirus, based on where this demon virus originated and spread from, either intentionally or inadvertently.

We have been told to not wear masks, then wear one mask, then two masks, then no masks indoors. Now we are back to indoor masking and soon outdoor masking, too.

The same “experts” told us that the vaccines were safe and effective, the pathway out of this nightmare. If we were vaccinated we no longer had to wear a mask, at least as of last May, according to the CDC. Two months later they reversed course, recommending mask wearing indoors even if fully vaccinated.

YouTube screen grab

Celebrities, from Pele to Dolly Parton, are endorsing the vaccines, showing photos of themselves getting jabbed. Yet despite half of American adults being fully vaccinated, cases are rising, as this CNN headline screams.

Do the vaccines work or not? Depending on the day and pronouncement, it is hard to know.

First, the COVID “vaccines” are not true vaccines based on the definitions of vaccine. Rather than the “vaccine” containing attenuated virus, it is a strand of messenger RNA, based on genetic code provided by China and serving as the basis for these novel “vaccines” which cause the body to create spike protein which in turn supposedly generates an immune response in the vaccinated to supposedly provide short or long term immunity. How long that immunity lasts is anyone’s guess.

I say “supposedly” frequently as it seems no one knows anything for sure. The New York Times belatedly acknowledged, “There’s much to learn about how the virus spreads.” Tell that to the CNN and MSNBC anchors who think they have it all figured out.