Letter: Conspiracy theorists may be getting duped | Letters | buffalonews.com

The recent uptick in infections, hospitalizations and deaths due to the Delta variant of Covid-19 has shown the vast majority of these were of those people who are unvaccinated. Many of these unvaccinated people believe in conspiracy theories that have little, if any, proof. There is certainly skepticism but not science in their thinking. So, for those people who want to stake their lives on unproven conspiracy theories, let me suggest another that they may want to consider that has just as much logic as the ones they currently believe. That is, conspiracy theorists want you to believe any of these theories in order that you stay unvaccinated thus making you more susceptible to the virus and therefore helping cleanse our society of those low information people foolish enough to believe in them. Cynical and dubious, yes, but aren’t most conspiracy theories?
Gerald Scott
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