CDC is HIDING data showing that covid vaccines are failing miserably in dealing with the Delta variant

The longer the COVID-19 pandemic lasts, the more Americans are discovering the extent of just how much they’ve been lied to over the past year-and-a-half, and it is shocking.
Beginning with the lie that the country just needs to lock down for “two weeks to bend the curve” — remember when you were shocked by the first reports of spiking unemployment rates in March-April 2020? — to masks aren’t needed, to masks are needed because they help curb the spread, to getting the vaccine will lead to an end of the pandemic and life returning to normal, the list goes on. Now, we are being told that:
— Life isn’t going to return to normal because there’s a new ‘variant’ called Delta making its way around the country; and
— The vaccines we were promised were nearly 95 percent effective…aren’t against this ‘new variant.’
But alas, something is amiss as new mask mandates are being imposed and there are rising numbers of ‘breakthrough’ infections even among vaccinated Americans.
“New recommendations from federal health officials this week on when vaccinated Americans should don face masks came with a startling bolt of news: People who have had their shots and become infected with the delta variant of the coronavirus can harbor large amounts of virus just like unvaccinated people,” the Houston Chronicle reported this week.
“That means they could become spreaders of the disease and should return to wearing masks indoors in certain situations, including when vulnerable people are present,” the paper added.
As if this information isn’t conflicting enough, we have bad messaging coming out of the Biden regime as well, which is nothing new.
For starters, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention administrator Dr. Rochelle Walensky took to CNN Wednesday to tell Americans that are vaccinated they must begin wearing masks again in “orange and red” zones where the variant is highest…because of unvaccinated people.
When she got pushback from CNN co-host John Berman, Walensky explained that hey, can’t be helped, this new version is infecting even some vaccinated people.
“The science that prompted [the] guidance is just days old, and in the coming days you will actually see the published information on the science that motivated” the sudden change in masking policy, she said.
Berman responded by clarifying with Walensky that the new infections were “primarily coming from unvaccinated people to unvaccinated people,” to which Walensky agreed.
“So then, you can understand the frustration in those of us who are vaccinated saying, ‘Why the hell do I have to pay the price for this?’” Berman said.
“Right. So we’re asking everybody in those areas of orange and red to mask up,” Walensky responded.
“Here is the reason why — if you’re a vaccinated person and you’re in one of those areas, as you said, a sea of red, a sea of COVID, you have a reasonably high chance, if nobody is wearing a mask, to interact with people who may be infectious,” she continued. “Every 20 vaccinated people, one or two of them could get a breakthrough infection. … They may only get mild disease, but we wanted them to know that they could bring that mild disease home,” she added. “They could bring it to others.”
Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris told reporters the same day that all people needed to do was to “get vaccinated” and they’d be just fine, as Fox News host Tucker Carlson pointed out on his show this week.
“If you’re looking for a single snapshot that perfectly distills the pure, hallucinogenic absurdity of the moment we’re living in, consider the Biden administration’s new guidance on COVID,” Carlson said. “The administration now says that all people, including people who have been vaccinated, will have to wear masks, but only depending on where they live.”
What’s adding to the confusion — and suspicion — as the Houston Chronicle noted, is that the CDC didn’t publish the new research upon which its masking guidance is being based.
No wonder a growing number of Americans no longer trust a single government agency.
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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***