Covid vaccine LIES proven to be 49% effective on the American sheeple

Currently, 49% of Americans, about 162 million, are conned sheeple who fell for the lie that the Covid-19 vaccines protect them against the China virus, so they went and got injected with neurotoxins and blood-clotting prions. These are very effective and potent lies. The fact is that most of the people coming down with Civid-19 now are the ‘vaccinated,’ so does the vaccine even work at all? Besides suffering from blood clots and inflamed hearts, the “vaccinated” go about their days now with a little less fear, but because that fear is based on lies, it’s worse than worthless; it’s harmful. It’s even deadly, as more than 17,000 people have already died from Covid vaccines, but the vaxxed sheeple don’t know, because they’re glued to their TVs and newspapers.
Every single American who got vaccinated for Covid is so completely paranoid about germs, bacteria and viruses, that they kill all of the good bacteria they need to experience any health value. To them, all vaccines are the holy grail of medicine because they’ve been brainwashed by the media and medical doctors, thanks to Big Pharma money.
Every single American of the “herd of sheeple” that got jabbed for Covid is absolutely terrified to stand up for their own medical rights and freedom of choice when it comes to “treatments” and “preventative measures” taken. Because there IS NO science to prove the value or benefit of any of the “emergency use” “medical experiments” called Covid vaccines, they must be given away for free and “forced” on others by coercion by the government, schools, employers, stores and even their own relatives.
Because vaccine lies run so deep, they’re too hard for the dumbed-down sheeple to dismantle or see through
The vaccine lie at the top of the stack of lies is always “safe and effective.” This has been regurgitated so many times at so many levels it’s like some tired old sports slogan now… “just do it.” Are there any scientific qualifiers now to this “safe and effective” slogan? What qualifies as “safe,” if the inoculations cause blood clots in every other injected human, or every third person? What percentage is par for “effective,” is it 95 percent, or 50 percent, or 10 percent, or just if you say it a lot? Effective. Effective. Effective.
There, that’s your proof — t works everybody, right? You read it three times in a row, or heard it said a lot, so it must be true. It’s in the newspapers, on fake news TV, and even when you Googled it, so it must be true. It’s been fact-checked too, so the research is solid, right? Guess who fakes the fact checking? You guessed it. The dirty vaccine industry, a.k.a. Big Pharma.
Who really knows the fact that there are over 17,000 recorded deaths from the Covid vaccines? That’s just what’s proven so far. There could easily be 10 times that amount, but the media lies, and they lie about their lies. That’s all they do. In fact, the death rate for Covid vaccines may soon reach the 62 percent “effective rate” for killing the inoculated.
Still, Covid-19 vaccine LIES have a 49 percent effective rate as of right now in America. Pretty much half of the nation has been conned by simply hearing the words “safe and effective” over and over again. All the Covid jabs being stuck into humans right now are NOT approved by the FDA as safe or effective. This has become a 2-year-long “emergency” and the Covid vaccines LIES are at a 49 percent believability factor based on zero science, zero safety protocol and zero independently-verified clinical trials.
The WHO and CDC admit they have no idea, if the vaccines even work at all, or how long the immunity lasts
The mass medical experiment on humans using deadly inoculations began in early December of 2020. At least 13 different vaccines are being used, though none of them have proven scientifically that any immunity is achieved at all to Covid-19 or its variants. In fact, scientifically, just the opposite has been proven. Most people catching Covid now have already been vaccinated, and that goes for the Delta variant also.
How ironic that the 49 percent of Americans who have been conned by the vaccine lie “safe and effective” are at the most risk of catching Covid, dying from it, or catching Delta and dying from that. The vaccinated sheeple are all suffering right now, and any more Covid vaccines might just be the final nails in their coffin.
Plus, if you do naturally catch Covid-19, you do have immunity for a very long time, if not forever, but not if you’re injected with protein prions and gene therapy mRNA. No vaccines have ever been fast-tracked this horribly, this dangerously, and this haphazardly.
Just take a look at the Baltimore J&J Covid lab/manufacturing facility where the technicians were caught on video dragging medical waste bags around and leaving brown stains (feces) on the floors and walls, and then mixing ingredients from other vaccines. Talk about dirty vaccines that are nowhere near “safe,” there’s a perfect example. What’s worse is that vaccines are supposed to be safe according to manufacturing “exacting standards” because they are such a dangerous form of mass medication.
Billions of people around the world fell for the biggest lie ever, that Covid vaccines are “safe and effective.” The fear of Covid was so over-hyped and propaganda-driven, with faked statistics and fake, false-positive PCR tests, that the lie was 49 percent effective in America. Who else wants to take part in the most deadly medical experiment the world has ever seen? It’s free to “participate” don’t you know? This time around, though, the vaccines are the “nails” and your body is the “coffin.”
Now, if for some reason, you already got jabbed with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and you are suffering from CoVax Syndrome, then report it to VAERS. Also, check out for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming vaccine holocaust.
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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***