Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Great Reset

The way to defeat the globalist reset

— Global Research

THE globalists have semi-clandestinely introduced some kind of ‘Covid-martial law’ that overrules everything that is an otherwise constitutional right. We are in most of the western world a direct dictatorship. In most countries the constitutional amendment from ‘democracy’ to dictatorship has happened clandestinely or at least semi-clandestinely. That is what dictators do. Most of the people have no idea. Many of those who do know do not agree. They launch initiatives for new laws — that fall by the way side, because they have no teeth under a martial law-broken constitution.

In Switzerland, the situation is slightly different, better of sorts. The Confederation Helvetica has a semi-direct democracy. With 50,000 signatures, scrupulously verified for their validity, Swiss citizens can launch a referendum against a specific law. The referendum may eventually come to a popular vote, and a government/parliament let law may be overruled. Though, this happens very rarely — the money lobby-propaganda is too strong — occasionally the people may have a chance. In these Covid-times, it may actually happen.

We are currently undergoing the worst ‘tyrannification’ of society in human history and in all western world countries. Covid-martial law overrules everything. This happened very fast. Within 18 months, from the beginning of 2020 to about mid-2021 citizens have basically no longer the very rights they could otherwise call as a human right. Human rights have become worthless. In most cases police and military are under strict orders to obey. Those who do not may lose their jobs, or worse.

Although, there are vivid and positive signs that the tides are turning. For example, at a London anti-Covid-measures, anti-vaxx-certificates rally Dr Reiner Fuellmich, Corona Committee, spoke via a huge video screen to the crowd on Trafalgar Square, tens of thousands of people, telling them that class action suits are under way in the US, Canada, and that institutions and individuals, especially those responsible for the invalid PCR-tests, particularly in Europe and the US, that are the basis for governments lying about ‘cases’, serving to manipulate up-and-down the ‘infection’ figures, leading to false numbers on hospitalisation and death, about a virus that is less deadly than the common flu. Yes, you read correctly, less deadly than the common flu. This is the onset to Nuremberg 2.0 — where justice will prevail, as much as light prevails over darkness.

Dr Fuellmich closed his talk on a positive and encouraging note.

‘It is humanity, versus inhumanity. We are human. We can laugh, cry, sing and hug. The other side can’t. The other side has no access to the spiritual side. Therefore, the other side, without any doubt, the inhuman side, will lose this inhuman battle for life….’

The transformation is beginning to take place. This is the health side, the human side, the most immediately important side — where real science is overcoming ‘bought’ science, in order to avoid a genocide of biblical proportions — which is the eugenists plan, probably developing over the past about 100 years. However, there are two other, complementary plans which also need to be stopped.

The first one of the two is the digitisation of everything. It is already descending upon humanity, had actually started already decades ago — and is now in its final round — just so as to coincide with the massive population reduction. It includes not only digitisation of all forms of monetary transactions — which is rapidly pushing forward, through artificial intelligence algorithms and most importantly, the vehicle to drive it all, the worldwide installation of 5G and soon to come 6G. This is foreseen to turn the entire globe into an electromagnetic field. And humans will be turned into ‘transhumans’, especially those that have survived the experimental, untested messenger spike protein injections called mRNA inoculations, falsely called ‘vaccines’.

This is not a joke. This is actually the plan already divulged in 2016 by Klaus Schwab, founder and forever CEO of the World Economic Forum in an interview with Swiss French TV broadcast.

According to Klaus Schwab’s ‘The Great Reset’, algorithms, artificial intelligence and robots will soon rule the masses. By 2025, give or take a year or two, about half of today’s jobs will be run by artificial intelligence. This electronic technology will in turn be ruled by some dirty-rich individuals, who somehow have given themselves the liberty to ‘run the world’. And we, the people, have let them.

They — the Deep Dark Statlers — call them Satanists — have planned this for about the last century. With great precision and intensity at times and, what’s worse, much worse, right in front of our eyes. We have ignored them. Anybody who dared to draw attention to their evil machinations was dismissed with the convenient label ‘conspiracy theorist’.

Imagine, according to the Great Reset, half of our jobs will be taken over by AI, in just the next five years or so. By 2030, only about 5 per cent to 10 per cent of the current jobs will be existing and carried out by humans — maybe ‘transhumans’. All the others may be gone. Massive unemployment?  Maybe. But Schwab tries to tranquilise the world, saying that there will be new jobs for which newly unemployed people will be trained. They may be transhumans, because training is done by, and in partnership with, AI — and for the Epsilon People, the down-to-earth working class, robots will do the supervising.

This may sound depressing, despairing. It ain’t, if we think about the situation which we, pretty much on our own, have allowed to happen. It is not the end of the road, but only a stepping stone, onto which we too can step, when awakened — and not in anger, but with the bright spirit of light — a new world shaped by humans, shaped with the forces of light, leaving the devil behind. Not even mentioning the beast. No letting it bother our minds. We are up to something much higher, much cleaner, clearer and much nobler. Our project is for humanity, for planet earth with all her sentient beings.

The simple model ‘Small is Beautiful’ may be an appropriate vision forward. It may include another simple principle:

Local production for local consumption with local money, a local community run central bank working with a public banking system. Trade will be practised with like-minded mostly neighbouring sister countries, benefiting from comparative advantages. The money supply will be a reflection of the local economy. It will be backed by the local economy. Quite different from the current globalist-run fiat money pyramid.

This appears like a perfect recipe for de-globalisation. And de-globalise we must. We must become again individuals that can and want to bond, not separate, individuals for whom solidarity is not just a term from a rusty vocabulary but means ‘we do it together’. This is the way to go, we will be satisfied with what we can achieve as a common, as a society with goals that serve the people, with values that do not depend on vertical growth, but rather reflect horizontal expansion of social infrastructure and well-being.

Let us imagine a new type of economy with novel yardsticks — Happiness Indicators. Actually, not so novel, just not often talked about. In July 2011, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 65/309 Happiness: Towards a Holistic Definition of Development inviting member countries to measure the happiness of their people and to use the data to help guide public policy. The first Happiness report was issued by the UN in April 2012.

If we are able to abandon the magical concept of ‘growth’ and exchange it for happiness, we not only protect and preserve mother earth but will also preserve our human health — our sanity. Our today’s society is sick. It strives for ever more growth, for more possessions, for more affluence, for more control — but happiness that is the basis for a healthy life — is but an abstract term in today’s business-driven world. Happiness is more often than not confused with material wealth.

The no-growth, but social growth concept, is the basis for our escaping from the globalist agenda.

Human wealth comes from the heart. And it is through the heart that we may pass it on, replicate it. How does one define happiness? There surely is no blueprint for happiness, as we are moving away from the all-modelled sets of values, away from the ‘musts’ and the ‘must-nots’.

The website ‘’ offers a few definitions of happiness. Among them are the following two:

‘Happy people find balance in their lives. Folks who are happy have this in common: they’re content with what they have, and don’t waste a whole lot of time worrying and stressing over things they don’t. Unhappy people do the opposite: they spend too much time thinking about what they don’t have; and, according to the Dalai Lama, happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.’ And let me add, from our actions driven by our heart and soul.

The General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution 66/281 of 12 July 2012 proclaimed 20 March the International Day of Happiness recognising the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human beings around the world.

How does the UN define ‘happiness’? Happiness is not contained in GDP, and less in GDP growth. To the contrary. It is most important that we start detaching from material wealth, that we see the moral and friendship wealth in our society. That we see and strive for equality, inclusion, solidarity — that we learn to smile at each other, even in adverse situations. This requires an elevated spirit, a mentality of light that defeats satanic darkness.

Happy people abide by the golden rule: they let stuff go. Happy people realise this, are able to take things in stride, and move on — without fear.

That is what we have to do — shed the fear — and move on, in a higher spiritual mode, floating out of the darkness into the light. It is possible. Let us give it a collective try. ‘They’ are blackmailing us into accepting the poisonous jab they fraudulently call vaccine. They may go as far as blocking us from getting food, from entering supermarkets without the vaccine certificate — or getting the test every time you need food.  No worries. They won’t succeed.

Is this ever-more encroaching human rights abuse-tyranny a malicious provocation?

Are they on purpose driving people to the edge? To provoke a revolution? And bring in NATO and maybe even UN troops to subdue the upheavals, personal freedoms, national sovereignty — and even national borders towards a globalist world, a One World Order, a One Government World, led by the WEF and the club of billionaires directed by a satanic cult?

It is possible. But we are stronger. We will defeat this evil cult. Dr Reiner Fuellmich et al, from the Corona Council, has already launched class action suits in Canada and the US and is taking legal actions against EU institutions and individuals. The tide is turning. Of course, you will not read or hear about it in the mainstream media.

Think small. Think community — your community, think self-sufficiency as much as possible. Think local production for local consumption with local money and local banks for the wellbeing of all within the community. Think trading with friends and with think-alike nations, societies, and people.

We shall overcome — and we will., August 12. Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former senior economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organisation, where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America.

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