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Great Reset

Globalism would end rights, US Constitution | Letters To The Editor |

Globalism on the surface sounds great, or at least the selling points: No more wars, famines, riots or borders due to a centralized world government. It also means no more free elections. Our Bill of Rights will cease. Our Constitution will be no more.

Who is behind these efforts? Meet Klaus Schwab, a German and the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum. He is a pronounced advocate for the “One World Economy,” or “The Great Reset.” Numerous globalists, including those who currently chair the Council on Foreign Relations, are pushing this cultural and political movement … hard.

A careful examination of globalist ideologies should reveal to the reader an explanation for all the chaos that we are currently witnessing in America. Globalists don’t care about Black Lives Matter, illegal immigration, stolen elections or any of the multitude of causes that Americans care about. If the chaos will disintegrate the American way of life, they have achieved their goal.

Socialism plays to globalist: A centralized form of government, population control, wage controls … aka no freedoms … no Bill of Rights … no Christianity.

We need to recognize and resist the socialist temptations of the carrots that our government is dangling in front of us. Behind these carrots are sinister individuals who do not care about your personal liberties. We need to wake up!

Leonard Halleen


*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Temple Daily Telegram can be found here ***