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Same San Francisco gay men’s chorus that promised to “convert your children” puts out new propaganda song telling people to get “vaccinated” for covid

Image: Same San Francisco gay men’s chorus that promised to “convert your children” puts out new propaganda song telling people to get “vaccinated” for covid

Right after they get done converting your children to homosexuality or transgenderism, members of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus want you to rush out and “vaccinate” your children for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Set to music, the cringeworthy chant – watch below – features members of the Chorus cascading in rhythm about what they believe to be the merits of getting injected for the Chinese Virus.

“Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Make an appointment!” the Chorus is featured shouting from what appears to be a children’s schoolyard.

“Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Make an appointment! Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Gets rid of covid! Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Gets rid of covid!”

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The Chorus’ claim that vaccinating “gets rid of covid” is, of course, blatant misinformation. Even Tony Fauci admits that the jabs do not stop infection or spread. At best – and even this appears false based on the latest hospitalization numbers – covid injections decrease symptoms somewhat.

The fact that the Chorus is allowed to make this claim in a YouTube video without it getting censored and removed by Google for putting people’s lives at risk says a lot about the video platform’s “community standards.”

Why is the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus allowed to spread covid vaccine misinformation on YouTube?

The video goes on to feature the Chorus, several members of which are known pedophiles, proclaiming that getting shot in the arm “doesn’t hurt at all,” which is also misinformation.

“Gotta make time to go … Just a quick shot,” they are heard singing.

“Gonna make it to the clinic … Now is the time … to vaccinate and take back our world … Line up outside, six feet apart, and don’t you worry. Don’t stay at home, and please wear your mask, we’ve got to hurry.”

In case you missed it, an earlier music video from the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus featured one of its creepy-eyed members snarling on camera while promising to “convert your children.” That video was voluntarily removed by the group after major public backlash.

We assumed that the Chorus would lay low for a while, but it was apparently too much to resist creating a whole new song about Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections, which the Chorus says we need to “hurry” up and get so we can “take back our world.”

Nearly everything in the video is demonstrably false, not to mention off-the-charts cringeworthy. It displays an extreme level of mental illness that we have come to expect from the Branch Covidians, which appear to now be cross-indoctrinating with the Cult of LGBT to push Fauci Flu shots on the masses.

“So obvious whose children the singers are with their shirts proclaiming their sin of pride (which kicked Lucifer out of heaven),” wrote one commenter on the video about how all of the Chorus members are wearing “pride” shirts in the video while bellowing about Chinese Flu injections.

“The narcissistic / satanic agenda is right there for everyone to see and sadly, like in the days of Noah, many couldn’t see nor hear Noah’s warnings,” wrote another.

Yet another quoted the warning passage from Matthew 18:6 which reads:

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones (children) which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

“Pray that the Lord will send angels to encamp around your children and grandchildren to protect them from these lost souls,” noted another about the power of prayer.

To keep up with the latest news about Chinese Virus injection insanity, be sure to check out

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***