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Moon Landing

Fact check: Moon landing conspiracy theory misrepresents lunar footprint

The claim: A mismatch between a space boot and the lunar footprint proves the moon landing was fake

In July 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin stepped onto the moon

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” Armstrong famously declared.

For half a century since, conspiracy theorists have argued it wasn’t.

A Sept. 16 Instagram post compares images of the famous moon footprint and the smooth sole and heel of Armstong’s space boot. The caption claims the mismatched footprint and boot tread prove the moon landing was “fake.”

Photos from the Apollo 11 mission

The post garnered more than 1,800 likes in one day. The user who made the post, @sawasmemes, told USA TODAY they intended it to be taken as a joke, but the comments indicate many are taking it as a factual assertion. 

“Lad u do know u could just Google this to get the answer right,” one skeptic wrote.

“Bruh they had a boot sleeve as protection and warmth on the outside of their normal shoes,” another commented.

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Those commenters are correct. 

This healless footprint matches the tread on the lunar overshoes that Armstrong and Aldrin wore to walk on the moon.

Several fact checkers have debunked posts that made similar claims about images of the footprint. 

Apollo 11 Crew

Footprint matches lunar overshoes

When Armstrong and Aldrin stepped out onto the moon’s surface, they wore lunar overshoes – sometimes called “moon boots” – over their pressure boots. The pressure boots had a smooth sole, and the overshoes had a tread. 

Spacesuit designers engineered the tread to spread the astronauts’ weight as they explored the moon’s surface and its unknown texture, The New York Times reported.

The footprint of a Apollo 11 astronaut’s moon boot is left on the surface of the moon. Credit NASA

The tread on the lunar overshoes is visible in several images of the moon landing on NASA’s websiteAn image of the full spacesuit shows the separate space shoes and lunar overshoes.

NASA shows the same photo of the footprint on its website. “The first footprints on the Moon will be there for a million years,” it’s captioned. “There is no wind to blow them away.”

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Armstrong’s spacesuit is currently on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

After returning to the lunar module, Armstrong and Aldrin tossed their overshoes from the hatch to save weight for lunar samples.

Our rating: False

We rate FALSE the claim that a mismatch between a space boot and the moon footprint proves the moon landing was fake. The conspiracy theory overlooks the fact that astronauts wore lunar overshoes over their boots. Those overshoes were treaded, while the astronauts’ boots were not. After completing the moonwalk, Armstrong and Aldrin left the lunar overshoes behind to save weight on the spacecraft. 

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from USA TODAY can be found here ***