COVID: The Movie, the Sequel to 9/11. “Virus, Virus, Fear, Fear …”

Something is terribly, terribly wrong. I know you can sense it. I know there is a part of you that knows something isn’t right. You know you are being deceived but you cannot bring yourself to admit it. So instead, you fight the enemies presented to you, Trump/Pelosi, Democrats/Republicans, and you take up sides in predictable ways.
But that is a sideshow. It is a distraction. The screens are showing us a perception that is not real.
If you are old enough to remember 9/11, you remember the nonstop media coverage that provided us with the culprits early on and never let up telling us who was responsible. Images of airplanes crashing into the Twin Towers again and again and again surrounded by sideshow stories about politicians saying stupid things and other politicians saying what an outrage the other politicians were. Yet all the politicians agreed who it was and what we needed to do. We got the message. We were helpless. We were under attack by these jihadist terrorists and only two things could save us: one, massive military expenditures and endless wars abroad, and two, giving up our constitutional rights at home for the promise of security.
9/11 was a movie. We were directed to look at the airplanes, when in fact, the buildings were blown to kingdom come and airplanes had nothing to do with it. The whole thing was fake. Real people died of course. Those people were not “extras.” We were all in this movie. But it was a movie.
Just this past week the University of Alaska-Fairbanks published its final report showing that the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) lied and continues to lie about the demolition of World Trade Center Building Seven.
Independent researchers have shown for years the 9/11 movie to be so filled with holes that it cannot stand up to critical scrutiny. The 9/11 movie-makers answered that of course. The researchers are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists” and everyone laughs with derision as if on cue. I am grateful for these researchers. Their work will matter to future generations who will look back at us in disbelief that our generation could have been so hypnotized. Their work also matters to me, in the present, because it is real. What’s real matters.
9/11: The Movie, is finishing its run. The toll of death and destruction has been immense.
Now the sequel. COVID was released in October 2019 with the first scenes taking place in China. The COVID movie is about a virus that has infected the human population because of a wild bat. Seriously.
This virus has travelled the globe and is so terrifying that governments have shut down everything.
In the United States (and Western nations) whose people are the intended audience for this movie, we are now on what I describe as near lockdown.
Schools are shut down. Businesses have shut down. Even places of worship are closed. You cannot be within six feet of another human. We humans are in the way. We are good for nothing except to be shut up and isolated in our homes. Normally, humans help each other through crises. Not during COVID. In this movie, we are only saved by following orders to isolate (even if you are not sick) and reporting on those who we think are not following orders.
COVID: The Movie, broadcasts 24/7 on all screens large and small.
We were told that the culprit is a natural virus and that is not to be questioned.
Those who do question are “conspiracy theorists” (cue derision, hostility, disgust).
This virus has mysterious properties in that people can be contagious for weeks without any symptoms.
When symptoms do develop they are the same as a cold or flu. Except, it is really bad for some. It is so dangerous that no human can be in contact with each other or the virus will spread. Each day COVID: The Movie provides body counts and many, many images of people in hazmat suits and lab coats. Who is dying and of what exactly? How do we know that these deaths have anything to do with a virus, or with our response to it, or with our behavior? We don’t. We don’t know. We are only told.
COVID: The Movie, is the only movie playing. While it plays on all screens, all the time, things are happening in the real world.
- Laws are being passed.
- Wall Street has been given trillions of dollars.
- 5G is being constructed.
- Surveillance gadgets are being used.
- We are being watched. Every move.
- This is the coolest experiment you can imagine. Shut people up in their homes.
- Fill them with fear. Screw them over. That is COVID: The Movie.
COVID: The Movie has nothing to do with a virus any more than 9/11: The Movie had anything to do with hijackers.
“Look here! Virus! Virus! Fear! Fear! Meanwhile we destroy everything you hold dear over here and substitute it with a fake existence in front of your television and smart phone.”
The same people whose same media brought you 9/11 are bringing you COVID.
Let’s be clear about what I am saying and what I am not saying. I am not saying there may not be massive amount of death. There may be. Regardless of what is being called COVID-19, there are plenty of biological and chemical agents all over the world, ready to be released whenever these movie-makers want to release them. They can release them whenever and wherever they want. They can target different populations. These concoctions have been released throughout history. The US government has done it to its own citizens. The technology gets better and better, or should I say, more and more sinister.
The point of COVID: The Movie is to engineer enough death and suffering or the perception and threat of death and suffering as necessary to get through the needed agenda items. One of the agenda items is to see how well the movie-makers can succeed at controlling us. I think they must be happy so far with the results. They are taking notes for next time.
COVID is not about a virus. 9/11 was not about Al Qaeda terrorists.
This is about control. You are being controlled. This is what I am saying.
And you really kind of know it, don’t you? You know something isn’t right. I am telling you to go with that feeling. Explore it and research this. We don’t know what is really going on. Nothing can be trusted. Certainly, not anything you get from the screens. But there are people, who are like you, who have the same feeling that this isn’t right. They are acting on that feeling. Some have been exploring what is behind the movies and have been doing so for a long time. Others are just beginning to awaken. I tell you this not to convince you of anything, but to assure you that if you feel that something is terribly, terribly wrong about what we are being told, you are not alone. Know that and be empowered.
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