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Thousands storm streets of New York City to protest covid medical fascism

Image: Thousands storm streets of New York City to protest covid medical fascism

We are finally seeing some pushback here in the United States in response to fake “president” Joe Biden’s unconstitutional Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates.

Thousands of freedom lovers took to the streets of New York City over the weekend to protest the “New World Order,” which appears to be getting ushered in at warp speed under the guise of fighting a “pandemic.”

In the following video, you will see thousands of patriots marching through a busy street waving flags and holding up signs in protest of medical fascism:

There are apparently many Americans out there who do not want to live under the heavy boot of covid tyranny, which is accelerating the impending economic collapse and subsequent “great reset” in which nobody will own anything but they will all be “happy.”

“We will not comply!” protesters were heard chanting through what appears to be Times Square, one of the busiest tourist areas of New York City. Others held up demographic-specific signage that said things like “Latinos against forced vaccines,” showing that it is not just people of European descent who prefer freedom over fascism.

Some of the protesters held up more vulgar signs, which is to be expected whenever rallies like this take place. Hunter’s dad was directly called out by many for his complicity in the scamdemic, which is losing steam by the day.

“My body, my choice!” yelled others about how the government does not have a right to medically rape people with Big Pharma injections. Every race, color and creed could be seen in solidarity at the event, proving that the love of freedom is not skin color-specific.

Biden unleashes covid “booster” shots despite FDA voting against it

Against the advice of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Pedophile-in-Chief has also launched his new “booster” shot program, which officially commenced on September 20.

Even though the FDA voted against any more injections, Beijing Biden thinks he knows better than doctors and scientists and has given the green-light to begin injecting the elderly with Biden Boosters starting immediately.

That fake television “doctor” Tony Fauci told CNN‘s Jake Tapper the other day that Biden did not make a mistake in going forward with his booster shot plan, despite the FDA’s disapproval.

“The president was very clear, as was the medical group when we said we are planning to do this, and it was always said, in his official statement, in the official written statement from all of us, including the FDA and the CDC, that was pending, and on the condition of the examination of all of the data by the FDA,” Fauci is quoted as saying.

“It’s understandable how there could have been some confusion, but what was said was pretty clear, Jake.”

As we reported, the Republican National Committee (RNC) is moving forward with a lawsuit against the Biden regime that seeks to undo the mandates and free Americans from Chinese Virus injection tyranny as soon as possible.

If something is not done, and soon, America will likely see many more protests like the one that took place in New York City. Americans must make their voices heard before things get any worse than they already are.

“This is not about politics: it is about good versus evil,” wrote one commenter at Newspunch. “Everyone in the world needs to stand together and fight.”

“But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22,” wrote another, drawing a parallel from the Bible about how actions speak louder than words.

The latest news coverage about the growing resistance against Biden Vaccines can be found at

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***