September 26, 2021

Democrats are strutting because the final Cyber Ninjas audit in Arizona showed that “[t]he auditor’s final hand count—which quadruple-checked every single one of the 2.1 million ballots—matches Maricopa County’s official machine count.” Big whoop. For those complaining about irregularities in the 2020 election, the question was never about miscounting. Instead, it was about the claim that an inordinate number of the ballots in the Joe Biden pile didn’t come from real people. Instead, they were alleged to have been faked—and the audit confirms almost 60,000 wrongfully counted ballots that could easily switch the Arizona Electoral College vote from Biden to Trump. No wonder Cyber Ninjas says the Arizona result should not have been certified.

There are two documents at issue here, one of which is the executive summary from Cyber Ninjas, which I’ll get to in a moment, and the other of which is a cover letter that Karen Fann, the Arizona Senate President, sent to Mark Brnovich, the Arizona Attorney General. I quoted above from Fann’s cover letter, which offers the meaningless conclusion that a hand count matched the machine count. That’s what the MSM (including Fox, which you may remember was the first to call Arizona for Biden) is crowing about.

However, the same letter, in a small bow to honesty, also points out systemic problems with election security. The five bullet-points can be summarized this way:

  • absentee ballots were inadequately verified,
  • voter rolls do not match the ballots, as well as showing duplicate and dead people,
  • amateurs oversaw election technology and machinery they didn’t understand and misused,
  • private companies had the passwords to the vote-counting machines, and
  • election officials deleted material making it impossible to do a truly accurate audit (or, in legal terms, they deliberately spoliated evidence, which I’m guessing might be illegal under statutory requirements that all voting data must be preserved for 22 months after an election).

In other words, even though the hand-counted paper ballots matched the machine count, there were some huge and dangerous irregularities going on with the election.

But wait! There’s more—and this is the really important part because it shows the Big Lie. As Gateway Pundit notes, the actual audit summary said that “the 2020 presidential election had 57,734 ballots that should not have been counted and should have been set aside, investigated or removed.”

Considering that the margin of Biden’s victory was only 10,457 votes, the presence of 57,734 ballots that were improperly counted is highly relevant. And that’s where we get to the actual audit info from Cyber Ninjas. Their letter does not say that everything is fine and Biden absolutely won.

Instead, having found invalid ballots in numbers more than five times greater than Biden’s “victory,” the audit’s conclusion is that “the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.”