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Safe & Effective? – 78% of ALLEGED ‘Covid-19’ deaths among fake vaccinated and 47% rise in teen deaths since they had the fake vaccine with emergency calls due to cardiac arrest at an all time high

The public have been repeatedly told that the Covid-19 vaccines are “100% safe and effective” because they have been through the same rigorous testing every other approved vaccine has been through, despite the fact it took less than a year to allegedly formulate a vaccine, test it, and “get it into the arms” of the general public.

Today we can confirm that you have been lied to, the Covid-19 vaccines have not been through the same rigorous testing as other vaccines, and they are neither safe or effective, and we can prove this via a wealth of available official government data.

Public Health England have now been replaced by a new organisation, dreamt up by ex-Health Secretary, Matt Hancock. The new organisation is now known as the ‘UK Health Security Agency’. That’s a slightly sinister and extremely concerning name isn’t it?

The new UK Health Security Agency released a report on Thursday September 30th entitled ‘Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 39‘, and within it they have published the number of alleged Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths from week 35 to week 38 of 2021, by vaccination status.

Table 2 of the report reveals that between August 30th 2021, and September 26th 2021 there were a total of 699,489 positive test results for the Covid-19 virus recorded in England. Of these, 316,002 cases were among the not vaccinated population, 53,070 were among the partly vaccinated population, and 273,540 were among the fully vaccinated population.

Read more: Safe & Effective? – 78% of ALLEGED ‘Covid-19’ deaths among fake vaccinated and 47% rise in teen deaths since they had the fake vaccine with emergency calls due to cardiac arrest at an all time high

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from David Icke can be found here ***