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COVID and Zero Tolerance for the Unvaccinated

Shortly after this interview was recorded by Central TV Russia, the European Parliament issued a bombshell – a Statement Opposing the Vaccine Mandate Agenda on the grounds that it is against basic human rights. This is breaking news, signaling yet another step of conscious awakening, of bringing back human dignity and human rights, that no dictatorship can take away what belongs to humanity – fundamental Human Rights – as much as does life itself. See this.

Below is the transcript of the interview of Peter Koenig with Central TV Russia.


Central TV Russia: Is the course taken for zero tolerance against the unvaccinated in the world?

Peter KoenigYes, it seems that’s what’s going on, especially in the western world, a stark discrimination against the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated have a very good reason for not wanting to be vaccinated with an experimental mRNA injection, which according to many scientists and even US (CDC), as well as European (EMA) statistics have killed more people than covid.

The mainstream media are paid to lie to you on behalf of the governments, actually on behalf of all the 193 UN member governments. That already should tell you that there is something fundamentally very very wrong. That all the 193 UN member governments, plus the UN body itself, unilaterally defend the same false narrative, namely that the covid pandemic is a deadly disease. It is not.

It is not more deadly than the common flu. And this according to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s own words, when he writes in a peer reviewed paper in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in February of 2020 – “Navigating the Uncharted”, where he says that covid-19 mortality is about the same as that of the common flu.

Strange enough, the common flu had all but disappeared in 2020. Have all the common flu victims been converted into “covid cases”?

CTV: Why has a strict policy been chosen in relation to the unvaccinated? And will it get worse?

PKYes, it may get worse, if we the people do not stand up firmly against this nonsensical and oppressive, forced vaccination policy.

In fact, what is going on at least in the western world, I know not enough to say the same about Russia, is a relentless coercion and blackmailing of people to be vaccinated, or else – meaning, that people who decide not to be vaccinated with this often-deadly experimental mRNA jab – will actually lose their jobs, will lose their income and sustenance for their families.

Excluding and discriminating against non-jabbed people with a so called QR-code “Vaccine Certificate” is a crime against humanity.

This is, in almost every country in the world which calls itself a “democracy“ or the resemblance of a democracy, a crime against humanity. This is blackmail – and is a government crime that should be prosecuted similarly as the Nazi criminals were prosecuted by the Nuremberg process.

CTV: What are the restrictions in Switzerland for those who are not vaccinated?

PK: They are pretty much the same as elsewhere in Europe. To enter a restaurant, you have to show the QR-code on your cell phone, with your ID, which is proof that you have been either vaccinated, or have been tested negative (this is valid only 5 days), or that you have been healed and have antibodies. This latter condition, though, is only valid if your covid infection had been proven by a PCR test – which in itself is an absolute aberration, because any labatory can attest that you have had covid and that now you have covid antibodies.

The government employees are strongly encouraged to be vaccinated, meaning that if by a certain date they are not vaccinated, their work contract may be terminated.

Likewise, the government recommends the same strict rules to Swiss private employers, and many follow the rule because of fear that they may be “sanctioned” by the government in one way or another.

There is no doubt that we are moving very rapidly into a health dictatorship. Actually, we are already there – and this in the span of less than 2 years.

The good thing however is that the people who are not vaccinated and have so far resisted vaccination are getting stronger. With every new restriction, their number increases and their unwillingness to get the deadly jab gets stronger.

CTV: Why, in the 3rd year of the pandemic, the virus has to be dealt with by administrative measures, such as QR codes and certificates?

PKBecause the governments have a very strict agenda. The virus, that is not stronger than a common flu, could have been eliminated a long time ago.

But there is another, much stronger agenda behind it. Those evil beings who are behind this “plandemic” – which isn’t really a pandemic, they want to achieve the following in the span of ten years that’s why it’s called the UN Agenda 2030 –

i) A massive reduction of the world population, they are eugenists;

ii) A total digitization of everything, including the human brain, that’s why the QR-code. It will store every detail of each of us individuals, including our DNA, so that we can be manipulated by such shortwaves like 5G and soon 6G, for which antennas have been propping up everywhere in Europe and the US – and they will eventually span the entire globe.

According to the WEF’s Klaus Schwab’s book, “The Great Reset” humans will be made into “transhumans” – this is what Klaus Schwab said in a 2016 Swiss French TV interview; and

iii) By untold and endless bankruptcies of small and medium size enterprises around the globe, capital will be transferred from the bottom and the middle to the top. That’s why the 20 largest billionaires have increased their fortune in the first 18 months of this plandemic by more than 250 billion dollars equivalent, while the rest of the world, especially in developing countries slipped into abject poverty.

That is something to think about. 

CTV: Why is it impossible to fight the virus with vaccines, because the whole world, including children and newborns, is not vaccinated?

PKBecause there is no effective vaccine, at least not in the west. I’m not talking about Russia. Russian listeners may make their own conclusions.

But especially, because there is no need for a vaccine. This is a disease similar to the common flu and can be treated with many different medications, some of them have actually recently even been admitted by the US CDC, like Ivermectin, and Hydroxychloroquine and more. They are simple and cheap medications that can heal patients. Proven. But they are not liked because Big Pharma doesn’t make money on them; but more importantly, they do not fulfill the 3-point agenda mentioned before.

Since you hinted at children, yes, now they want to vaccinate even children – all the way down to 2-year olds, and in some parts of Europe and the US, children – under pressure from their schools can decide for themselves without parental consent – I repeat, without parental consent, to be “vaccinated” with this experimental mRNA gene-modifying jab.

This is another crime against humanity.

If we, the people, do not wake up to this fraud of biblical dimensions, we will indeed be in this net of lies and deceit, and new variants and so on, for the next 9 years.

We must not allow this.

CTV: Do you agree that only the next generation will be able to defeat covid because of anti-vaxxers, in order to achieve collective immunity, more than 90 percent of the world needs to be vaccinated, is it unrealistic in the coming years?

PKNo, I do not agree that only the next generation can eradicate covid.

We can do it, but we have to stand up against tyrannical governments – imagine, all of the 193 UN member countries basically follow the same narrative!

Isn’t there something wrong.

This situation may be completely different in Russia from what it is in the west. For example, Russia and China do not inject people with an unproven mRNA injection, but with a traditional type of vaccine, an approach that has been proven in the past for decades to be effective.

Now, back to the West, the people who do not want to be inoculated “against covid’’ are not anti-vaxxers, but they are awakened people. They know what they are doing and why they do not want this potentially deadly experimental jab.

And as the number of these people, these awakened and well-informed people, grows, we actually may overcome this tyranny, and return to human values again.

Perhaps a different set of human values – values that are not just focused on consumerism, but on solidarity, on sovereignty of states and of societies – and with people and societies, who will distance themselves from this destructive, very destructive – GLOBALIZATION.

Only because we live in this from outside imposed Globalization, covid could happen.

The answer is:

  • Back to solidarity
  • Back to sovereign states
  • Back to autonomy and friendly relations.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from Mercola

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here ***