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Nearly everyone who holds a job in New Zealand now required to get “vaccinated” for covid

Image: Nearly everyone who holds a job in New Zealand now required to get “vaccinated” for covid

The government of New Zealand has decided that pretty much everyone who works in the country must now get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to continue receiving a paycheck.

Save for those with a medical or other exemption, all employed New Zealanders will need to show proof of injection or else face termination. The same goes for customers in the private sector who are being told they must show proof of injection in order to shop.

“The cabinet has decided today that the vaccinations will be mandated for everyone who works in any workplace where a vaccination certificate is required for entry,” announced Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern, reading from a script.

“In the new Covid-19 protection framework, this includes hospitality, events, gyms, and close proximity businesses such as hairdressers and barbers.”

Ardern went on to explain that the change is necessary to ensure that staff and customers “are treated equally,” meaning everyone will have to face the same Chinese Virus tyranny in order to ensure equality.

“This … will play a big part in helping to minimize the spread of the virus in the highest risk venues by reducing the potential for covid to enter the business in the first place, and further supports our businesses and their economic recovery,” Ardern further added.

We thought New Zealand was better than this, but apparently it wants to be just like Australia

As part of a system known as “Traffic Light,” Ardern’s plan is to force “high risk” businesses to play the injection game if they want to remain open and operate normally. Those businesses that refuse to comply will presumably get shut down.

“With the new Traffic Light system, businesses that we previously treated as high risk, like hospitality, hairdressers, and gyms, can operate at all levels if they ask customers for a vaccine certificate,” Ardern explained.

“And so it follows, if customers must be vaccinated, then so must workers.”

Another politician then appeared on a screen to add more scripted language to Ardern’s announcement. He revealed that New Zealand is completely rewriting its laws to “introduce a clear and simplified risk assessment process for employers to follow when deciding whether they can require vaccination for different types of work.”

“It’ll cover simple factors like who workers interact with during their work days and how close that contact is,” this person added.

Keep in mind that this is the same country that completely locked down after one single case of the Chinese Virus was detected.

“Employers will continue to be able to exempt any workers from a vaccination requirement they introduce,” the man further explained. “We also suggest that people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons should be exempt.”

Other New Zealander employees who will be affected by the new rules include those who work in industries that involve the export of products. In cases where the receiving country requires proof of injection in order to take in New Zealand products, New Zealand workers will need to comply.

“Another Satanic member of the New World Order,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press about Ardern. “This is going to be worldwide before long. The will of the people doesn’t matter any longer.”

“They’ve found out how to get in office and rule by demonic power. God is allowing this to fulfill His Word. These are the last days. The Great Tribulation is described as a time in history that is worse than any other, even Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, the inquisition, the dark ages, etc. The Rapture is imminent. Be ready.”

The latest news coverage about Chinese Virus injection tyranny can be found at

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***