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Vaccine Failure? — Excess Deaths Rising — Leaky Vaccines and Vaccine Escape — Very Sorry [11-14-2021]

My colleague at BOOM Finance and Economics posts a weekly editorial Hat Tip: Gerry:

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 MEANWHILE IN EUROPE — VACCINE FAILURE? – Many politicians and their “expert advisers” are patting themselves on the back as they push forward with mass Covid vaccinations. They think they are winning against the virus. They even say they are “saving the nation”, or “saving the world” when the lust for totalitarian power and complete control is their real aim. The mainstream media continues to state that the “fully vaccinated” will be “fully protected”. They do not explain what the definition of “fully” is in either case.

Coercion and mandates are being used to force Covid vaccines onto citizens. Some politicians are enticing employers to do their bidding. In their misguided quest to conquer the virus, they are distorting their societies into hellish Medical Apartheid systems where basic universal human rights are trashed and burned without any consideration. The men and women who fought and died in many wars to preserve those rights have been betrayed.

Meanwhile, something sinister is happening in Europe (especially Eastern Europe) that will soon disrupt their applecart.

The problem is that the “Covid vaccines” are designed to defeat the Alpha variant of the virus. This is not good because the virus has mutated away from that original Alpha form. And, worryingly, that move away from Alpha may be driven by the vaccination programs themselves due to what is called selection pressure. Selection pressure is where the virus is forced to find a way to mutate away from the vaccine. This phenomenon is also called vaccine escape. It is well known to occur when large vaccination programs are launched during epidemics (and not after they have passed). Also, it is more likely to occur when the vaccines are “leaky”. There is an explanation of what that term means in a separate segment below.

Covid Case numbers are rising sharply in Europe (especially in Eastern Europe) — and winter has barely begun. Slovenia, Croatia and Austria are the leaders in this new race but almost all nations in the region are affected. They are already approaching or exceeding the peaks established in 2020 despite high vaccination rates. In Hollywood-speak, the title of the movie would be “The Return of the Virus” but this time the virus is in the mutant forms of Delta variant and a number of new Alpha variants. And all appear either fully or partially resistant to the antibody protection generated from the current so-called “vaccines”. Those antibody levels, by the way, are also falling dramatically after just 4 – 6 months from the completion of vaccination. In other words, we now know that whatever protection they provide is short lived. This has driven the desperate “booster” initiative in some nations such as Israel. But, again, the boosters are not designed to deal specifically with the new variants that are rising.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of madness. So – the politicians blame the unvaccinated, restate the need for masks (that don’t work) and lockdowns (that don’t work) and vaccines (that don’t seem to work either and may be driving vaccine mutations). They do all this while they ban Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and discourage other early treatment regimens such as Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C.

EXCESS DEATHS RISING – If you take a close look at the Deaths From All Causes data produced at Euromomo and updated every Thursday, you will find some alarming statistics. These alarms can be found in the Excess Mortality data when examined in the various age groups. You can see that Excess Death numbers (above the average baseline of death numbers) in 2021 in the younger age groups — up to 75 years age — are higher than those recorded in 2020.  But above 75 years age, the excess death numbers for 2021 are BELOW those recorded in 2020.

So — what does this mean? It seems to indicate that young people are now dying at a faster rate than previous years and they are also dying at a faster rate than the elderly above 75 years. This is OMINOUS.

In the children between 0 – 14 years age, the graph looks very worrying indeed. The line of cumulative Excess Deaths was below average for the first six months of 2021 — until Week 23. It then turned upward as this year 2021 proceeds. It crosses the Excess Death line for the year 2020 and then continues to rise towards the Excess Death line for 2019.

It is important to point out that the actual numbers of excess deaths in these younger age groups are not (yet) alarming. They are very low indeed especially when you consider that the total population under consideration here is around 420 Million people in 28 nations. So let’s not get too excited.

On the other hand, the 2021 numbers in the younger age groups are already higher than the “horrible pandemic” of 2020 and considerably higher than 2019 numbers. The trends described are concerning and will become moreso if they continue to rise in absolute numbers as the Northern Hemisphere winter advances. We should watch closely over the next 4 months.

As far as BOOM can see, the excess deaths could be due to (1) delayed diagnosis and treatment of other conditions (2) new variants of Covid (3) Antibody Dependent Enhancement or (4) adverse reactions from the Vaccines.

It is becoming obvious that power obsessed politicians know nothing about disease management. Worse still, they are being advised by non clinician “experts” and “epidemiologists”, career bureaucrats who do not treat patients. And the foolish mainstream media adds to the mix with a brew of exaggerated sensation and fear. The result is a mess.

BOOM brings your attention to a recent article by Australia’s most senior Immunologist. Professor Robert Clancy. The article is called “We Can’t Vaccinate This Pandemic Away“.

Professor Clancy sums it all up very well indeed in this excerpt — “the pandemic has enabled (the) information vacuum to be filled with a new breed of “experts” who either are not medically trained, and thus cannot grasp the clinical imperative, or have a past-distant medical degree but are a long way from real-life medicine. This has facilitated promotion of influence-peddling by pharmaceutical companies with the goal of impacting COVID-19 management“.

Another recent article that BOOM suggests you read is titled “Is Europe Getting Crushed by Variant Completely Immune to Covid Shots?” by Daniel Horowitz. He has also written a previous article on the Irish County of Waterford where 99.7 % of adults are vaccinated but has the highest per capita Covid case rate in the country. He asks the question — are they going to blame the 0.3 % unvaccinated?


LEAKY VACCINES AND VACCINE ESCAPE – Not all vaccines prevent infection. Some, known as leaky vaccines, prolong host survival or reduce disease symptoms without preventing viral replication and transmission.

In other words, if you are vaccinated with a leaky vaccine, you can still get infected and you can still transmit the virus to others. And under the pressure of selection, new viral mutations can start to emerge.

Imperfect vaccines that aim to prevent disease symptoms without preventing transmission can have dangerous evolutionary consequences. And those consequences can be unpredictable.

ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL IMPACTS – It is looking more and more likely that the “vaccinations will lead us back to normal” meme may fail. This will become more apparent or less apparent as the Northern Hemisphere winter advances.

If the meme fails with progressively higher numbers of cases and excess deaths, then the current economic recovery from the 2020 Covid Collapse will become much more uncertain than it is at present.

“Living with the virus” may inhibit money supply growth and economic growth significantly. Ultimately, the financial system will then come under pressure. Sky high valuations of stocks, which prevail in some markets, would be expected to fall in such a senario as blue skies turn to grey and corporate profits stagnate or decline.

Current CPI inflation pressures could evaporate rapidly in such an event as demand for goods and services falls. BOOM can forecast with certainty that the winter of 2021 in the Northern Hemisphere will be a historical one in economic terms.

VERY SORRY – The Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, recently said he is “very sorry” that CPI inflation is rising in the UK. They are expecting inflation to rise to 5 % from its current rate of 3.1 %. But last week, he kept his overnight interest rates unchanged at the all-time low of 0.1 %.

He is sticking to the “inflation is transitory” theme being pushed by almost all major central banks as they ease off on Quantitative Easing programs while keeping overnight interest rates very low indeed. This is akin to easing the pressure slowly off the accelerator but not touching the brake to slow a car. The car should slow but the question is — by how much? If it is falling down a steep decline, gravity will take over.

Central bankers tend to drive a car by only looking in the rear vision mirror. Often, this leads to being spectacularly right (by accident). But sometimes the opposite occurs.

The IMF — International Monetary Fund — is equally famous for getting forecasts wrong. But they never say sorry. Presumably, they are looking forward out through a windscreen which is perpetually covered in dirt and grime. Nobody in the car has yet suggested that they pull over and clean it.

In economics, things work until they don’t. Until next week …………  Make your own conclusions, do your own research.  BOOM does not offer investment advice.



EMAIL: gerry {at}

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here ***