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LifeSite president Steve Jalsevac warns ‘diabolical’ COVID agenda wants to ‘destroy Christian civilization’

Image: LifeSite president Steve Jalsevac warns ‘diabolical’ COVID agenda wants to ‘destroy Christian civilization’

In an exclusive interview, LifeSiteNews’s president and co-founder Steve Jalsevac warned how COVID-19 has been “exploited by the globalists to advance their agenda,” warning that people must fight for “freedom” in order to resist the tyrannical “Great Reset.”

(Article by Michael Haynes & Pierre Boralevire published from

While on a visit to the U.S., Jalsevac sat in the newly blessed LifeSiteNews studio with correspondent Jim Hale for a wide-ranging interview. LifeSiteNews’ president explained the uniqueness and importance of LifeSiteNews’ work, warned of the “diabolical” forces in power in the world today, and proffered his thoughts on the challenges of reclaiming society in a post COVID world.

Loss of freedom pushed by the population control movement

“I wrote an article about a year and a half ago about how the coronavirus will be exploited by the globalists to advance their agenda,” Jalsevac noted. “Everything I wrote in there, I think, has come to pass.”

When questioned by Hale if he thought the COVID injections are a weapon in the “population control” agenda, Jalsevac replied “Absolutely. Without any doubt at all.”

“Their primary objective is to stop what they claim to be climate change, and they believe the cause of ‘climate change’ is human beings, and human beings are a vermin on the Earth,” he stated. “They’ve used disgusting words to describe human beings because of the numbers that we have.”

Contrary to the claims of the “globalists,” larger populations promote “higher standards of living” added Jalsevac, before reminding Hale that this benefit was contingent on preserving “freedom.”

“If you don’t have freedom, all these good things will not happen. So they’re trying to now impose a tyranny on us that will control everything we do. And in so doing, they will prevent all of the creativity and dynamic new discoveries that could happen by a free public.”

The imposed tyranny is a move to “kill the spirit of the people they’re trying to control, so that they’re more easily manipulated,” said Jalsevac.

Jalsevac insisted that there is no justification in labelling such claims as “conspiracy theories,” given that the so-called “Great Reset” is no secret, having been called for openly by multiple world leaders. “You can easily find out about it. They’re not hiding it. They’ve written about it… [Klaus] Schwab has written about the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

‘Medical murder by negligence’

“The word diabolical, I think is an appropriate word,” he added, when speaking of the censorship which doctors have faced, when trying to treat COVID patients with alternatives to the experimental, abortion-tainted injections.

“It’s not an exaggeration…This is medical murder by negligence. They’ve known for a long time. Dr. Fauci knew years ago that hydroxychloroquine would be very good for treating COVID. He knew this. And yet he lied about it.”

Jalsevac urged the freedom-loving members of the medical community to “organize” in a resistance, to “defend their rights in a good way, in a professional way, but still very firm and with confidence.”

Fight back for freedom

Drawing on his experience analyzing global affairs, Jalsevac gave a rallying call to readers in the face of the COVID-era “tyranny.”

“Everyone has got to start to say ‘No’, no matter what it costs you,” he urged. “Because if you do not say ‘No’ now, no matter who you are, no matter what your position is, no matter what you’re going to lose, you will lose everything anyway…If we don’t have millions of people saying ‘No’ to all of these COVID mandates of all kinds and these mitigation efforts and the lockdowns and the wearing of face max masks.”

“Saying ‘No’ will free us,” he said. “It will restore our freedom and our prosperity, and we will return to a good life.”

Undeterred, Jalsevac gave a message of hope. “I have faith that we can accomplish great things and we can still stop this tyranny,” he insisted.

“We place our trust not in ourselves: we place our trust in God. And that gives us the courage and the confidence to tackle anything.”

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***